2023 - 2024 LEGISLATURE
February 7, 2024 - Offered by Senator Stroebel.
1An Act to create 30.2034, 30.2039 and 885.335 of the statutes;
relating to: use
2of fill in certain waterways.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Development of Great Lakes and river waterfront property
This bill provides that a city or village (municipality) may create a waterfront
development plan with respect to parcels that may have been part of a riverbed or
the submerged bed of a Great Lakes water at the time of statehood. The municipality
must submit required information to the Department of Natural Resources,
including a map of the parcels and a plan for development of the parcels that details
any public and private uses. Following a public notice and comment period, DNR
must determine whether the plan is approved. DNR may not approve a plan unless
it makes several determinations, including that 1) the plan contains the required
elements, 2) proposed private uses are not inconsistent with existing lake bed grants
or submerged land leases, 3) the amount and location of proposed public use areas
are appropriate to protect public interests, or 4) the plan contains sufficient
provisions to ensure that the public uses proposed in the plan will be implemented
and perpetually maintained.
Amendments to existing approvals
The bill provides that a municipality may apply to DNR to change the uses
allowed within an area of a Great Lakes water that was filled pursuant to a fill
authorization granted by the legislature or a submerged land lease. DNR must
review the proposed uses based on several criteria that generally consider whether
the proposed uses are consistent with the public interest. Following a public notice
and comment period, DNR must approve the plan unless DNR determines that the
specified criteria were not met.
Claims relating to possession or title