NR 440.218(2)(m)2.2. For batch HMIWI,
C = PV x 4.5/8
C is the HMIWI capacity, lb/hr
PV is the primary chamber volume, ft3
4.5 is the waste density, lb/ft3
8 is the typical hours of operation of a batch HMIWI, hours
NR 440.218(2)(mm)(mm) “Maximum fabric filter inlet temperature” means 110% of the lowest 3-hour average temperature at the inlet to the fabric filter, taken at a minimum once every minute, measured during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the dioxin/furan emission limit.
NR 440.218(2)(n)(n) “Maximum flue gas temperature” means 110% of the lowest 3-hour average temperature at the outlet from the wet scrubber, taken at a minimum once every minute, measured during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the mercury emission limit.
NR 440.218(2)(nm)(nm) “Medical/infectious waste” means any waste generated in the diagnosis, treatment or immunization of human beings or animals, in research pertaining thereto, or in the production or testing of biologicals that are listed in subds. 1. to 7. Medical/infectious waste does not include hazardous waste identified or listed under the regulations in 40 CFR part 261; household waste as defined in 40 CFR 261.4 (b) (1); ash from incineration of medical/infectious waste, once the incineration process has been completed; human corpses, remains, and anatomical parts that are intended for internment or cremation; and domestic sewage materials identified in 40 CFR 261.4 (a) (1).
NR 440.218(2)(nm)1.1. Cultures and stocks of infectious agents and associated biologicals, including cultures from medical and pathological laboratories; cultures and stocks of infectious agents from research and industrial laboratories; wastes from the production of biologicals; discarded live and attenuated vaccines; and culture dishes and devices used to transfer, inoculate and mix cultures.
NR 440.218(2)(nm)2.2. Human pathological waste, including tissues, organs, and body parts and body fluids that are removed during surgery or autopsy, or other medical procedures, and specimens of body fluids and their containers.
NR 440.218(2)(nm)3.3. Human blood and blood products including all of the following:
NR 440.218(2)(nm)3.a.a. Liquid waste human blood.
NR 440.218(2)(nm)3.b.b. Products of blood.
NR 440.218(2)(nm)3.c.c. Items saturated or dripping with human blood.
NR 440.218(2)(nm)3.d.d. Items that were saturated or dripping with human blood that are now caked with dried human blood; including serum, plasma, and other blood components, and their containers, which were used or intended for use in either patient care, testing and laboratory analysis or the development of pharmaceuticals. Intravenous bags are also include in this category.
NR 440.218(2)(nm)4.4. Sharps that have been used in animal or human patient care or treatment or in medical, research or industrial laboratories, including hypodermic needles, syringes with or without the attached needle, pasteur pipettes, scalpel blades, blood vials, needles with attached tubing and culture dishes regardless of presence of infectious agents. Also included are other types of broken or unbroken glassware that were in contact with infectious agents, such as used slides and cover slips.
NR 440.218(2)(nm)5.5. Animal waste including contaminated animal carcasses, body parts and bedding of animals that were known to have been exposed to infectious agents during research, including research in veterinary hospitals, production of biologicals or testing of pharmaceuticals.
NR 440.218(2)(nm)6.6. Isolation wastes including biological waste and discarded materials contaminated with blood, excretions, exudates or secretions from humans who are isolated to protect others from certain highly communicable diseases, or isolated animals known to be infected with highly communicable diseases.
NR 440.218(2)(nm)7.7. Unused sharps including the following unused, discarded sharps: hypodermic needles, suture needles, syringes and scalpel blades.
NR 440.218(2)(o)(o) “Medium HMIWI” means an HMIWI whose maximum design waste burning capacity is more than 200 pounds per hour but less than or equal to 500 pounds per hour, a continuous or intermittent HMIWI whose maximum charge rate is more than 200 pounds per hour but less than or equal to 500 pounds per hour, or a batch HMIWI whose maximum charge rate is more than 1,600 pounds per day but less than or equal to 4,000 pounds per day. A continuous or intermittent HMIWI whose maximum charge rate is less than or equal to 200 pounds per hour or more than 500 pounds per hour or a batch HMIWI whose maximum charge rate is more than 4,000 pounds per day or less than or equal to 1,600 pounds per day is not a medium HMIWI.
NR 440.218(2)(om)(om) “Minimum dioxin/furan sorbent flow rate” means 90% of the highest 3-hour average dioxin/furan sorbent flow rate, taken at a minimum once every hour, measured during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the dioxin/furan emission limit.
NR 440.218(2)(p)(p) “Minimum mercury sorbent flow rate” means 90% of the highest 3-hour average mercury sorbent flow rate, taken at a minimum once every hour, measured during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the mercury emission limit.
NR 440.218(2)(pm)(pm) “Minimum hydrogen chloride sorbent flow rate” means 90% of the highest 3-hour average hydrogen chloride (HCl) sorbent flow rate, taken at a minimum once every hour, measured during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the HCl emission limit.
NR 440.218(2)(q)(q) “Minimum horsepower or amperage” means 90% of the highest 3-hour average horsepower or amperage to the wet scrubber, taken at a minimum once every minute, measured during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the applicable emission limits.
NR 440.218(2)(qm)(qm) “Minimum pressure drop across the wet scrubber” means 90% of the highest 3-hour average pressure drop across the wet scrubber PM control device, taken at a minimum once every minute, measured during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the PM emission limit.
NR 440.218(2)(r)(r) “Minimum scrubber liquor flow rate” means 90% of the highest 3-hour average liquor flow rate at the inlet to the wet scrubber, taken at a minimum once every minute, measured during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with all applicable emission limits.
NR 440.218(2)(rm)(rm) “Minimum scrubber liquor pH” means 90% of the highest 3-hour average liquor pH at the inlet to the wet scrubber, taken at a minimum once every minute, measured during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the HCl emission limit.