SB672,80 23Section 80 . 108.17 (3m) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB672,28,624 108.17 (3m) If an appeal tribunal or the commission issues a decision under
25s. 108.10 (2), or a court issues a decision on review under s. 108.10 (4), in which it is

1determined that an amount has been erroneously paid by an employer, the
2department shall, from the administrative account appropriation under s. 20.445 (1)
, credit the employer with interest at the rate of 0.75 percent per month or
4fraction thereof on the amount of the erroneous payment. Interest shall accrue from
5the month which the erroneous payment was made until the month in which it is
6either used as a credit against future contributions or refunded to the employer.
SB672,81 7Section 81 . 108.18 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB672,28,118 108.18 (3) (c) Permitting the employer to pay such lower rate is consistent with
9the relevant conditions then applicable to additional credit allowance for such year
10under section 26 USC 3303 (a) of the federal unemployment tax act, any other
11provision to the contrary notwithstanding.
SB672,82 12Section 82 . 108.18 (7) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB672,28,1713 108.18 (7) (a) 1. Except as provided in pars. (b) to (i), any employer may make
14payments to the fund during the month of November in excess of those required by
15this section and s. 108.19 (1), (1e), and (1f). Each payment shall be credited to the
16employer's account for the purpose of computing the employer's reserve percentage
17as of the immediately preceding computation date.
SB672,83 18Section 83 . 108.18 (7) (h) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB672,28,2419 108.18 (7) (h) The department shall establish contributions, other than those
20contributions required by this section and assessments required under s. 108.19 (1),
21(1e), and (1f)
and contributions other than those submitted during the month of
22November or authorized under par. (f) or (i) 2., as a credit, without interest, against
23future contributions payable by the employer or shall refund the contributions at the
24employer's option.
SB672,84 25Section 84 . 108.19 (title) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
1108.19 (title) Special assessments.
SB672,85 2Section 85 . 108.19 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 108.19 (1) (a) and
3amended to read:
SB672,29,114 108.19 (1) (a) Each employer subject to this chapter shall regularly contribute
5to the administrative account at the rate of two-tenths of one
pay an assessment
6equal to 0.2
percent per year on its payroll, except that the department may prescribe
7at the close of any fiscal year such lower rates of contribution under this section
8subsection, to apply to classes of employers throughout the ensuing fiscal year, as will
9in the department's judgment adequately finance the administration of this chapter,
10and as will in the department's judgment fairly represent the relative cost of the
11services rendered by the department to each such class.
SB672,86 12Section 86. 108.19 (1) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
SB672,29,1413 108.19 (1) (d) Assessments under this subsection shall be credited to the
14appropriation account under s. 20.445 (1) (wc).
SB672,87 15Section 87 . 108.19 (1e) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB672,29,2216 108.19 (1e) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), each employer, other than an
17employer that finances benefits by reimbursement in lieu of contributions under s.
18108.15, 108.151, or 108.152 shall, in addition to other contributions amounts payable
19under s. 108.18 and this section, pay an assessment to the administrative account
20for each year prior to before the year 2010 equal to the lesser of 0.01 percent of its
21payroll for that year or the solvency contribution that would otherwise be payable
22by the employer under s. 108.18 (9) for that year.
SB672,88 23Section 88 . 108.19 (1e) (cm) of the statutes is created to read:
SB672,29,2524 108.19 (1e) (cm) Assessments under this subsection shall be credited to the
25appropriation under s. 20.445 (1) (wh).
1Section 89. 108.19 (1e) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB672,30,72 108.19 (1e) (d) The department may expend the moneys received from
3assessments levied under this subsection in the amounts authorized under s. 20.445
4(1) (gh) (wh) for the renovation and modernization of unemployment insurance
5information technology systems, specifically including development and
6implementation of a new system and reengineering of automated processes and
7manual business functions.
SB672,90 8Section 90 . 108.19 (1f) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB672,30,149 108.19 (1f) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), each employer, other than an
10employer that finances benefits by reimbursement in lieu of contributions under s.
11108.15, 108.151, or 108.152 shall, in addition to other contributions amounts payable
12under s. 108.18 and this section, pay an assessment for each year equal to the lesser
13of 0.01 percent of its payroll for that year or the solvency contribution that would
14otherwise be payable by the employer under s. 108.18 (9) for that year.
SB672,30,16 15(d) Assessments under this paragraph subsection shall be deposited in the
16unemployment program integrity fund.
SB672,91 17Section 91 . 108.19 (1f) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB672,30,2118 108.19 (1f) (c) Notwithstanding par. (a), the department may, if it finds that the
19full amount of the levy is not required to effect the purposes specified in sub. (1s) s.
20108.20 (2)
(b) for any year, prescribe a reduced levy for that year and in such case shall
21publish in the notice under par. (b) the rate of the reduced levy.
SB672,92 22Section 92 . 108.19 (1m) of the statutes is renumbered 108.19 (1m) (a) and
23amended to read:
SB672,31,1024 108.19 (1m) (a) Each employer subject to this chapter as of the date a rate is
25established under this subsection shall pay an assessment to the unemployment

1interest payment fund
at a rate established by the department sufficient to pay
2interest due on advances from the federal unemployment account under Title XII of
3the federal social security act,
42 USC 1321 to 1324. The rate established by the
4department for employers who finance benefits under s. 108.15 (2), 108.151 (2), or
5108.152 (1) shall be 75 percent of the rate established for other employers. The
6amount of any employer's assessment shall be the product of the rate established for
7that employer multiplied by the employer's payroll of the previous calendar year as
8taken from quarterly employment and wage reports filed by the employer under s.
9108.205 (1) or, in the absence of the filing of such reports, estimates made by the
SB672,31,12 11(d) Each assessment made under this subsection is due within 30 days after the
12date the department issues the assessment. If the
SB672,31,21 13(f) The department shall use amounts collected from employers under this
14subsection exceed the amounts needed to pay interest due on advances from the
15federal unemployment account under 42 USC 1321 to 1324. If the amounts collected
16exceed the amounts needed to pay that interest for a given year
, the department shall
17use any the excess to pay interest owed in subsequent years on advances from the
18federal unemployment account. If the department determines that additional
19interest obligations are unlikely, the department shall transfer the excess to the
20fund's balancing account of the fund, the unemployment program integrity fund, or
21both in amounts determined by the department.