NR 440.218(1)(b)(b) A combustor is not subject to this section during periods when only pathological waste, low-level radioactive waste or chemotherapeutic waste is burned alone or in any combination, provided the owner or operator of the combustor does all of the following: NR 440.218(1)(b)2.2. Keeps records on a calendar quarter basis of the periods of time when only pathological waste, low-level radioactive waste or chemotherapeutic waste is burned alone or in any combination. NR 440.218(1)(c)(c) Any co-fired combustor is not subject to this section if the owner or operator of the co-fired combustor does all of the following: NR 440.218(1)(c)2.2. Provides an estimate of the relative amounts of hospital waste, medical/infectious waste and other fuels and wastes to be combusted. NR 440.218(1)(c)3.3. Keeps records on a calendar quarter basis of the weight of hospital waste and medical/infectious waste combusted and the weight of all other fuels and wastes combusted at the co-fired combustor. NR 440.218(1)(d)(d) Any combustor required to have a permit under section 3005 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 USC 6925), or a license under s. 291.25, Stats., is not subject to this section. NR 440.218(1)(g)(g) Cement kilns firing hospital waste or medical/infectious waste are not subject to this section. NR 440.218(1)(h)(h) Physical or operational changes made to an existing HMIWI solely for the purpose of complying with emission guidelines under 40 CFR part 60, subpart Ce, are not considered a modification and do not result in an existing HMIWI becoming subject to this section. NR 440.218(1)(L)(L) Beginning September 15, 2000, affected facilities subject to this section shall operate pursuant to a permit issued under ch. NR 407. NR 440.218 NoteNote: The federal rule, 40 CFR 60.50c (l), requires that an affected facility operate pursuant to an operating permit issued no later than the later of September 15, 2000 or the effective date of an EPA approved operating permit program under Title V of the Act (42 USC 7661 to 7661f) and 40 CFR part 70. The department received final interim approval of its operating permit program on April 5, 1995 and full approval on November 30, 2001. Any permit issued to an affected facility prior to June 1, 2008, will contain references to the appropriate federal rule provisions of 40 CFR part 60 subpart Ec. NR 440.218(2)(2) Definitions. As used in this section, all terms not defined in this subsection have the meanings given in s. NR 440.02 or, for terms not defined in s. NR 440.02, the meanings given in s. NR 400.02. In this section: NR 440.218(2)(a)(a) “Batch HMIWI” means an HMIWI that is designed such that neither waste charging nor ash removal can occur during combustion. NR 440.218(2)(am)(am) “Biologicals” means preparations made from living organisms and their products, including vaccines, cultures, etc., intended for use in diagnosing, immunizing or treating humans or animals or in research pertaining thereto. NR 440.218(2)(b)(b) “Blood products” means any product derived from human blood, including blood plasma, platelets, red or white blood corpuscles and other derived licensed products, such as interferon, etc. NR 440.218(2)(bm)(bm) “Body fluids” means liquid emanating or derived from humans and limited to blood; dialysate; amniotic, cerebrospinal, synovial, pleural, peritoneal and pericardial fluids; and semen and vaginal secretions. NR 440.218(2)(c)(c) “Bypass stack” means a device used for discharging combustion gases to avoid severe damage to the air pollution control device or other equipment. NR 440.218(2)(cm)(cm) “Chemotherapeutic waste” means waste material resulting from the production or use of antineoplastic agents used for the purpose of stopping or reversing the growth of malignant cells. NR 440.218(2)(d)(d) “Co-fired combustor” means a unit combusting hospital waste or medical/infectious waste or both with other fuels or wastes, for example, coal or municipal solid waste, and subject to an enforceable requirement limiting the unit to combusting a fuel feed stream, 10% or less of the weight of which is comprised, in aggregate, of hospital waste and medical/infectious waste as measured on a calendar quarter basis. For purposes of this definition, pathological waste, chemotherapeutic waste and low-level radioactive waste are considered “other” wastes when calculating the percentage of hospital waste and medical/infectious waste combusted. NR 440.218(2)(dm)(dm) “Continuous emission monitoring system” or “CEMS” means a monitoring system for continuously measuring and recording the emissions of a pollutant from an affected facility. NR 440.218(2)(e)(e) “Continuous HMIWI” means an HMIWI that is designed to allow waste charging and ash removal during combustion. NR 440.218(2)(em)(em) “Dioxin/furan” means the combined emissions of tetra- through octa-chlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins and dibenzofurans, as measured by Method 23 of 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17 (1). NR 440.218(2)(f)(f) “Dry scrubber” means an add-on air pollution control system that injects dry alkaline sorbent (dry injection) or sprays an alkaline sorbent (spray dryer) to react with and neutralize acid gases in the HMIWI exhaust stream forming a dry powder material. NR 440.218(2)(fm)(fm) “Fabric filter” or “baghouse” means an add-on air pollution control system that removes particulate matter and nonvaporous metals emissions by passing flue gas through filter bags. NR 440.218(2)(g)(g) “Facilities manager” means the individual in charge of purchasing, maintaining and operating the HMIWI or the owner’s or operator’s representative responsible for the management of the HMIWI. Alternative titles may include director of facilities or vice president of support services.