Chapter DCF 103
DCF 103.03 Initial W-2 worker training. DCF 103.04 Ongoing training for experienced W-2 workers. DCF 103.05 Trainer qualifications. DCF 103.06 Local responsibility for implementing updates. DCF 103.07 Reports and records. Ch. DCF 103 NoteNote: Chapter HSS 217 as it existed on October 31, 1999 was repealed and a new chapter DWD 17 was created effective November 1, 1999. Chapter DWD 17 was renumbered to chapter DCF 103 under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 1., Stats., Register November 2008 No. 635. DCF 103.01(1)(1) Authority and purpose. This chapter is promulgated under authority set forth in s. 49.143 (2) (c), Stats., to ensure that each financial and employment planner, resource specialist, and supervisor employed by a W–2 agency directly or by subcontract has successfully completed a training program to achieve acceptable W-2 worker job performance. Successful completion of prescribed training is required for all new W-2 workers. The department shall make ongoing training available for experienced W-2 workers. DCF 103.01(2)(2) Applicability. This chapter applies to W–2 agencies and the financial and employment planners, resource specialists, and supervisors who are employed by those agencies directly or by subcontract. DCF 103.02DCF 103.02 Definitions. In this chapter: DCF 103.02(1)(1) “Automated system” means a computer-supported process used by the department, including CARES. DCF 103.02(2)(2) “CARES” means the department’s automated client assistance for re-employment and economic support. DCF 103.02 NoteNote: CARES is the automated system used by the Dept. of Children and Families to determine eligibility, calculate benefits, and retain data for W-2.