2021 - 2022 LEGISLATURE
February 18, 2022 - Offered by Senators Stroebel and Cowles.
SB900-SSA1,1,4 1An Act to renumber 30.122; to amend 30.122 (title); and to create 30.01 (1h),
230.122 (2), 30.122 (3), 30.2039 and 885.335 of the statutes; relating to: use of
3fill in commercial waterways and establishing shorelines of Great Lakes
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill provides for the lawful public or private use of land that has been above
the ordinary high water mark of a commercial waterway or a Great Lakes water
since December 9, 1977. Under current law, all permanent alterations, deposits, or
structures, other than boathouses, that affect navigable waters are presumed in
conformity with the law if they were constructed before December 9, 1977, and did
not require a permit at the time of construction.
Historic fill in commercial waterways
The bill applies, in part, to fill placed prior to 1977 that created land above the
ordinary high water mark of a commercial waterway, which is a specified list of
rivers. If the fill is unauthorized fill for which the Department of Natural Resources
has not initiated an enforcement action or is within an authorized bulkhead line and
not specifically restricted by a submerged land lease, the owner of the fill may use
the fill for any purpose.

Establishing the shorelines of Great Lakes waters