DCF 101.09(2)(j)(j) The individual is not receiving social security disability insurance under 42 USC 401 to 433.
DCF 101.09(2)(k)(k) On the last day of the month, the individual is not participating in a strike.
DCF 101.09(2)(L)(L) The individual applies for or provides a social security account number.
DCF 101.09(2)(m)(m) The individual reports any change in circumstances that may affect the individual’s eligibility to the Wisconsin works agency within 10 days after the change.
DCF 101.09(2)(n)(n) The individual, or any other adult member of the individual’s Wisconsin works group, has not exceeded the lifetime limit on program participation or receipt of benefits under s. DCF 101.095.
DCF 101.09(2)(o)(o) No other individual in the W-2 group is a participant in a W-2 employment position. This paragraph does not apply to an individual applying for a job access loan.
DCF 101.09(2)(p)(p) The individual cooperates in providing information needed to verify enrollment information or good cause for the Learnfare program under s. 49.26, Stats., and s. DCF 101.25.
DCF 101.09(2)(q)(q) The individual cooperates in the requirement to search for unsubsidized employment throughout the individual’s participation in a Wisconsin works employment position.
DCF 101.09(2)(r)(r) The individual cooperates in applying for other public assistance programs or resources that the FEP believes may be available to the individual.
DCF 101.09(2)(s)(s) The individual cooperates with providing eligibility information under this chapter for other members of the W-2 group.
DCF 101.09(3m)(3m)Financial eligibility; resource limitations.
DCF 101.09(3m)(a)(a) Asset limits. An individual is eligible for a Wisconsin works employment position and job access loan only if the individual is a member of a Wisconsin works group whose assets do not exceed $2,500 in combined equity value. Except as provided in par. (c), in determining the combined equity value of assets under this subsection, the W-2 agency shall exclude all of the following:
DCF 101.09(3m)(a)1.1. The equity value of vehicles up to a total equity value of $10,000. In this subdivision, “equity value of vehicles” means the trade-in value of the vehicles as given in a standard guide on motor vehicle values or as estimated by a sales representative at a local car dealership, minus any debts secured by the vehicles.
DCF 101.09(3m)(a)2.2. One home that serves as the homestead for the Wisconsin works group that is valued at no more than 200 percent of the statewide median value for homes. In calculating the value of the homestead, the W-2 agency shall exclude the value of agricultural land owned by the Wisconsin works group. In this subdivision, “agricultural land” includes buildings and improvements that are devoted primarily to agricultural use and the land necessary for their location and convenience.
DCF 101.09(3m)(b)(b) Sponsored alien. When an individual is a sponsored alien pursuant to 8 USC 1183a, the sponsor’s resources shall be attributed to the sponsored alien as provided under 8 USC 1631.
DCF 101.09(3m)(c)(c) Hardship exemption. In determining the combined equity value of an individual’s assets under par. (a), a W-2 agency shall exclude one home, valued at any amount, that serves as the homestead for the Wisconsin works group if the W-2 agency determines that the individual qualifies for a hardship exemption based on any of the following:
DCF 101.09(3m)(c)1.1. No member of the Wisconsin works group has the legal right to sell the home. Limitations include any of the following:
DCF 101.09(3m)(c)1.a.a. The home is subject to pending litigation.
DCF 101.09(3m)(c)1.b.b. The home is jointly owned with a person who is not in the Wisconsin works group and who refuses to consent to the individual in the Wisconsin works group selling their share.
DCF 101.09(3m)(c)2.2. The individual had a recent sudden loss of income due to death, divorce, separation, or nonpayment of child support.
DCF 101.09(3m)(c)3.3. The Wisconsin works group includes an incapacitated adult or a disabled child.
DCF 101.09(3m)(c)4.4. The individual is or has been a victim of domestic abuse or is at risk of further domestic abuse, the home is jointly owned with the abuser, and the abuser is not a member of the Wisconsin works group. The W-2 agency shall administer the domestic abuse screening under s. DCF 101.15 (3) (b) to determine the individual’s eligibility for this exemption if the individual is otherwise financially eligible under this subsection and sub. (4).
DCF 101.09(4)(4)Financial eligibility; income limitations.
DCF 101.09(4)(a)(a) An individual is eligible for a Wisconsin works employment position and job access loan only if the individual is a member of a Wisconsin works group whose gross income is at or below 115% of the poverty line.
DCF 101.09(4)(b)(b) Except as provided in par. (c), the W-2 agency shall include all of the following in calculating the gross income of an individual who is a member of a Wisconsin works group:
DCF 101.09(4)(b)1.1. All earned and unearned income of the individual.
DCF 101.09(4)(b)2.2. The income of the individual’s nonmarital coparent or spouse, if the individual’s nonmarital coparent or spouse resides in the same home as the dependent child.
DCF 101.09(4)(b)3.3. If the individual is a sponsored alien pursuant to 8 USC 1183a, the income of the sponsor and the sponsor’s spouse as provided under 8 USC 1631.
DCF 101.09(4)(c)(c) In calculating the gross income of an individual who is a member of a Wisconsin works group, the W-2 agency shall exclude all of the following: