2023 - 2024 LEGISLATURE
November 14, 2023 - Offered by Senators Larson, Carpenter and Taylor.
AB439-SSA1,1,6 1An Act to repeal 77.705, 77.707 (1), 77.76 (6), 229.68 (11), 229.68 (15) and
2229.682 (3); to renumber 77.707 (2); to amend 77.707 (1), 77.71 (intro.), (1),
3(2), (3), (4) and (5), 77.76 (4), 229.67, 229.68 (intro.), 229.68 (7), 229.68 (12),
4229.68 (13), 229.68 (16) (intro.), 229.68 (16) (a), 229.685 (1), 229.71 and 229.75
5(3); and to create 229.65 (6m), 229.68 (8) (d), 229.6802 and 229.682 (11) of the
6statutes; relating to: baseball park district administration.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, a district is created in each county with a population of at
least 600,000 (presently, only Milwaukee County) and all counties that are
contiguous to that county (in relation to Milwaukee County, these counties are
Ozaukee County, Racine County, Washington County, and Waukesha County). A
district has a variety of powers. Among these, a district may acquire, construct,
equip, maintain, improve, operate, and manage baseball park facilities and may set
standards governing the use of, and the conduct within, baseball park facilities.
Current law authorizes a district to issue bonds for the purpose of constructing,
improving, and managing baseball park facilities, in addition to other related
functions. Bonds issued by the district are secured by the district's interest in any

baseball park facilities, by income from these facilities, and by a sales and use tax
current law authorizes the district to impose. Specifically, current law authorizes the
district to impose a sales and use tax at a rate of no more than 0.1 percent. However,
that sales and use tax ended on March 31, 2020, after the district certified to the
Department of Revenue that the district had effectively retired all of its bonds.
Finally, current law exempts the district's baseball park facilities from general
property taxes.
Under this bill, the district is required to enter into an agreement with the
professional baseball team using the district's facilities (the Milwaukee Brewers)
under which the team assumes the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of
ownership of the district's baseball stadium and stadium parking lots, including
maintenance, upkeep, and repairs. The agreement must further provide that if the
team relocates, the team must agree to do all of the following: