2019 - 2020 LEGISLATURE
August 8, 2019 - Introduced by Senators Hansen, Ringhand, Carpenter,
Erpenbach, Larson, Miller, Risser and L. Taylor, cosponsored by
Representatives Anderson, Billings, Shankland, Bowen, Brostoff,
Crowley, Emerson, Fields, Gruszynski, Milroy, Ohnstad, Sargent, Sinicki,
Spreitzer, Stuck, Subeck, Vining, Zamarripa, Riemer and B. Meyers.
Referred to Committee on Insurance, Financial Services, Government
Oversight and Courts.
1An Act to renumber and amend 632.895 (6);
to amend 609.83 and 632.895 (6)
2(title); and
to create 632.895 (6) (b) of the statutes;
relating to: cost sharing
3for insulin under health insurance policies and plans.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill prohibits every health insurance policy and governmental
self-insured health plan that covers insulin and that imposes cost sharing on
prescription drugs from imposing cost sharing on insulin in an amount that exceeds
the lesser of the following: $100 for a one-month supply of insulin or the greater of
the amount that is 125 percent of the cost of insulin or the amount generated by
subtracting 51 percent of the total rebates received by the policy or plan from the
cost-sharing amount that would be charged to a covered person for insulin if it is
treated as any other prescription drug under the policy or plan. The bill also requires
the commissioner of insurance to investigate and report on the pricing of insulin.
Health insurance policies are known in the bill as disability insurance policies.
Current law requires every health insurance policy that provides coverage of
expenses incurred for treatment of diabetes to provide coverage for expenses
incurred by the installation and use of an insulin infusion pump; coverage for all
other equipment and supplies, including insulin or any other prescription
medication, used in the treatment of diabetes; and coverage of diabetic
self-management education programs. Except for allowing an exception for insulin
infusion pump coverage, the required coverage under current law for certain
diabetes treatments is subject to the same exclusions, limitations, deductibles, and
coinsurance provisions of the policy as other covered expenses. The bill's
cost-sharing limitations on insulin supersede the specification that the exclusions,
limitations, deductibles, and coinsurance are the same as for other coverage.
This proposal may contain a health insurance mandate requiring a social and
financial impact report under s. 601.423, stats.