DCF 250.04 NoteNote: The Department of Health Services, Division of Public Health, has developed materials that identify those communicable diseases that are required to be reported to a local public health officer. These materials also provide information on the symptoms of each disease and guidance on how long an infected child must be excluded from child care. Copies of the communicable disease chart are available on the Department of Health Services website at https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/publications/p44397b.pdf.
DCF 250.04(4)(c)2.2. Notification shall be made immediately and shall provide sufficient detail to apprise the parent in all of the following situations:
DCF 250.04(4)(c)2.a.a. The child becomes ill.
DCF 250.04(4)(c)2.b.b. The child needs professional evaluation of an injury.
DCF 250.04(4)(c)2.c.c. The child experiences a head injury, has a seizure, consumes incorrect breastmilk, consumes food or drink that may contain the child’s allergen, consumes or comes in contact with poisonous materials, or is given incorrect medication. For purposes of this subdivision, a “head injury” means a bump, blow, or jolt to the head.
DCF 250.04(4)(c)2.d.d. The child’s whereabouts are unknown to the assigned provider.
DCF 250.04(4)(c)2.e.e. The child was subject to child guidance that is prohibited under s. DCF 250.07 (2) (c) and (d).
DCF 250.04(4)(c)3.3. The child has sustained a minor injury that does not appear to require professional medical treatment. Notification may be made when the child is picked up at the center or delivered to the parent or other authorized person.
DCF 250.04(4)(c)4.4. The child will be going on a field trip that is not considered part of the regularly scheduled program. Notification of the date, time, and destination shall be prior to the field trip.
DCF 250.04(6)(6)Children’s records.
DCF 250.04(6)(a)(a) The licensee shall maintain a current written record at the center on each child enrolled, including the provider’s own children under age 7, and shall make the record available to the licensing representative on request. Each record shall include all of the following:
DCF 250.04(6)(a)1.1. Enrollment information that includes all of the following:
DCF 250.04(6)(a)1.a.a. The name and birthdate of the child.
DCF 250.04(6)(a)1.b.b. The full names of the child’s parents.
DCF 250.04(6)(a)1.c.c. The child’s home address and telephone number.
DCF 250.04(6)(a)1.d.d. An address and telephone number where the parent can be reached while the child is in care.
DCF 250.04(6)(a)1.e.e. The name, address, telephone number, and relationship to the child of a person to be notified in an emergency when a parent cannot be reached immediately.
DCF 250.04(6)(a)1.f.f. The name, address, and telephone number of the child’s physician or medical facility caring for the child.
DCF 250.04(6)(a)1.g.g. The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of persons other than a parent authorized to call for the child, pick up the child, or accept the child who is dropped off.
DCF 250.04(6)(a)1.h.h. The child’s first day of attendance at the center.
DCF 250.04 NoteNote: The licensee may use either the department’s form, DCF-F-CFS0062, Child Care Enrollment, or the licensee’s own form. The department’s form is available at https://dcf.wisconsin.gov/cclicensing/ccformspubs.
DCF 250.04(6)(a)1m.1m. Health history information that includes all of the following:
DCF 250.04(6)(a)1m.a.a. The name and birthdate of the child.
DCF 250.04(6)(a)1m.b.b. The full names of the child’s parents.
DCF 250.04(6)(a)1m.c.c. A telephone number where the parent can be reached while the child is in care.
DCF 250.04(6)(a)1m.d.d. The name, address, and telephone number of the physician or medical facility caring for the child.
DCF 250.04(6)(a)1m.e.e. The child’s medical conditions, such as asthma, cerebral palsy, diabetes, epilepsy, food allergies, or gastrointestinal or feeding concerns. If the child has a milk allergy, a statement from a medical professional indicating an acceptable alternative for the child.
DCF 250.04(6)(a)1m.f.f. If the child has a medical condition, triggers that may cause a problem, signs or symptoms for the provider to watch for, steps a provider should follow, when to call a parent regarding symptoms, when the condition requires emergency medical care, and identification of all providers who have received specialized training or instructions to help treat symptoms.
DCF 250.04 NoteNote: The licensee may use the department’s form, DCF-F-CFS2345 Health History and Emergency Care Plan, or the licensee’s own form for obtaining the information.