One-Hundred and Sixth Regular Session THURSDAY, May 11, 2023
The Chief Clerk makes the following entries under the above date:
Amendments Offered
hist166260Assembly Amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 37 offered by Representative Steffen. hist166230Assembly Amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 41 offered by Representative Murphy. hist166288Assembly Amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 105 offered by Representative Vos. hist166340Assembly Amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 245 offered by Representatives Baldeh, Conley, C. Anderson and Ratcliff. _____________
Administrative Rules
Relating to scope of practice, mobile establishments, and distance learning.
Submitted by Cosmetology Examining Board.
hist165803Report received from Agency, April 25, 2023. hist166223To committee on Regulatory Licensing Reform. Referred on May 9, 2023.