2019 - 2020 LEGISLATURE
2019 Senate BILL 472
October 4, 2019 - Introduced by Senators Ringhand, Carpenter, Erpenbach,
Larson, Miller, Shilling and L. Taylor, cosponsored by Representatives
Spreitzer, Kurtz, Kolste, Considine, Vruwink, Anderson, Billings, Bowen,
Doyle, Edming, Haywood, Hesselbein, Kitchens, Kulp, B. Meyers, L. Myers,
Neubauer, Novak, Pope, Sargent, Skowronski, Stuck, Subeck, Zamarripa
and C. Taylor. Referred to Committee on Universities, Technical Colleges,
Children and Families.
SB472,1,5 1An Act to create 15.137 (7), 20.235 (1) (em), 39.52, 71.05 (6) (a) 30. and 71.05 (6)
2(b) 54. of the statutes; relating to: creating a program for reimbursing the
3higher education debt of beginning farmers, creating an individual income tax
4deduction for certain amounts received from such a program, granting
5rule-making authority, making an appropriation, and providing a penalty.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill requires the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer
Protection to establish a program for the Higher Educational Aids Board to
reimburse beginning farmers for their higher educational debt, except for debt that
is reimbursed, assumed, or paid for under any other public or private program. The
bill defines “beginning farmer” as an individual who satisfies all of the following: 1)
manages a farm or a component of a farm in this state as his or her primary
occupation; 2) has produced farm products for no more than ten consecutive years;
and 3) at the time he or she first applies for reimbursement, has an annual adjusted
gross income that is not more than 500 percent of the federal poverty guidelines.
To obtain reimbursement from HEAB, the bill requires an individual to apply
to the Beginning Farmer Higher Education Debt Council, which is created in
DATCP. The council consists of the secretary of agriculture, trade and consumer
protection or his or her designee and the dean and director of the UW-Madison
division of extension or his or her designee. The secretary appoints the following
other members for three-year terms: 1) an individual who administers or

participates or cooperates in programs of the Farm Service Agency of the U.S.
Department of Agriculture; 2) a representative of agricultural lenders; and 3) a
representative of higher education loan providers or servicers. The council must
advise HEAB on carrying out its duties and promulgating rules under the bill.
DATCP is required to provide administrative support to the council.