2019 - 2020 LEGISLATURE
January 24, 2020 - Introduced by Representatives Tranel, Kurtz, Tauchen, Krug,
Summerfield, Novak, Kitchens, Felzkowski, Shankland, Pope, Hebl, Kulp,
Gruszynski, VanderMeer, Anderson, Zimmerman, Considine, Neubauer,
Oldenburg, Sargent, Mursau, Ballweg, Doyle, Magnafici, Kolste, Petryk,
Plumer, Swearingen, Vining, Stubbs, Subeck, Milroy, Katsma, C. Taylor,
Quinn, Spreitzer, Sinicki, Emerson, Zamarripa, Ohnstad, Cabrera, Billings,
Vruwink, Born, Ott and Spiros, cosponsored by Senators Cowles,
Petrowski, Feyen, Olsen, Wanggaard, Wirch and Smith. Referred to
Committee on Agriculture.
1An Act to amend 92.14 (6) (c), 93.59 (2) (a), 93.59 (2) (d), 93.59 (3), 281.68 (1t)
2(intro.) and 281.68 (3) (a) 1.; and
to create 20.115 (4) (f), 20.115 (4) (fm), 20.115
3(7) (d), 93.485, 93.65 and 281.68 (1) (ar) of the statutes;
relating to: grants and
4funding for water stewardship certification, a grazing coordinator position,
5producer-led watershed protection grants, lake protection, soil and water
6conservation, and crop insurance premium rebates for cover crops; granting
7rule-making authority; and making an appropriation.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Grazing coordinator
The bill provides funding for one full-time equivalent GPR position in the
Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection to serve as a coordinator
for managed grazing initiatives in this state. The bill provides $64,800 in fiscal year
2019-20 for the position, and $86,400 in fiscal year 2020-21. Under the bill, the new
position would convene a stakeholder working group to develop a state grazing plan,
serve as the primary point of contact for assistance on effective grazing strategies,
identify new technologies and best practices in grazing that are best suited for the
state, and leverage federal funding to promote effective grazing practices and assist
producers in implementing those practices.