2019 - 2020 LEGISLATURE
2019 Assembly BILL 487
October 1, 2019 - Introduced by Representatives Tittl, Kitchens, Born, Bowen,
Brostoff, Crowley, Dittrich, Jagler, Kulp, Neylon, Ott, Quinn, Rohrkaste,
Skowronski, Tranel, VanderMeer, Vruwink and Zimmerman, cosponsored by
Senators Darling, Bernier, Jacque, Larson and Stroebel. Referred to
Committee on Health.
AB487,2,2 1An Act to repeal 455.01 (4), 455.01 (7), 455.02 (2m) (h), 455.02 (3m) (title),
2455.045 (2), 455.065 (3), 455.07, 455.08 and 455.10; to renumber and amend
3455.02 (1m) and 455.02 (3m); to amend 15.405 (10m), 48.375 (2) (c), 48.375 (4)
4(b) 1m., 49.45 (30f), 50.06 (4), 50.94 (8), 51.30 (1) (b), 54.01 (27), 155.05 (2),
5440.08 (2) (a) (intro.), 440.88 (3m), 455.01 (3m), 455.02 (1m) (title), 455.02 (2m)
6(d), 455.02 (2m) (m), 455.03, 455.04 (title), 455.04 (1) (intro.), 455.04 (1) (b),
7455.04 (1) (c), 455.04 (1) (e), 455.04 (3), 455.04 (5), 455.045 (1), 455.065 (1),
8455.065 (4), 455.065 (5), 455.09 (1) (intro.), 455.09 (1) (b), 455.09 (1) (g), 455.09
9(3) and 905.04 (1) (e); to repeal and recreate 455.01 (5), 455.01 (6), 455.02
10(2m) (f), 455.02 (2m) (k), 455.04 (1) (d), 455.04 (4), 455.045 (3), 455.06 and
11455.09 (title); and to create 455.02 (2m) (o) to (s), 455.025, 455.04 (1) (dm),
12455.04 (2), 455.065 (6) and (7), 455.09 (1) (i), 455.09 (1) (j), 455.09 (4) and
13455.095 of the statutes; relating to: the practice of psychology, extending the
14time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from

1emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and requiring the
2exercise of rule-making authority.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, no person may engage in the practice of psychology without
being licensed as a psychologist by the Psychology Examining Board. This bill makes
various revisions to the laws governing the board and the practice of psychology.
Significant changes are described as follows:
Psychology Examining Board; composition