badgercareBadgerCare, see Insurance — Health
baiting animalsBaiting animals, see Hunting
ballotsBallots, see Elections — Ballots
Qualified ABLE savings account program under section 529A of the Internal Revenue Code: DFI to study and report on establishment - Act 119
Natural hair braiding: obtaining a barbering or cosmetology license to perform not required, definition provision - Act 60
batteryBattery, see Crime and criminals — Battery
bcplBCPL, see Public Lands, Board of Commissioners of
bear hunting or pursuitBear hunting or pursuit, see Hunting
beaversBeavers, see Animal
behavioral healthBehavioral health, see Mental health
Billboards used to recruit DOC employees: prohibition repealed - Act 145
Bingo and raffle general program operation appropriation accounts combined; lottery fund provision [Sec. 83, 86, 168, 280, 404-411] - Act 58
Stocking pheasants for hunting opportunities: DNR to establish a schedule; report required [vetoed] - SB609
Waterfowl hunting stamp fee increased, report required [Sec. 170, 171] [170 -- vetoed] - Act 58
birth parentBirth parent, see Children — Adoption
birth recordBirth record, see Vital statistics
blood donationBlood donation, see Public health
board of healthBoard of health, see Public health
boat _ taxation or registrationBoat — Taxation or registration
Outdoor recreation vehicle registration and trail use fees retained by DNR [Sec. 55, 158-163, 172-174, 397-399] - Act 58
bodily harmBodily harm, see Crime and criminals — Battery
boilerBoiler, see Public safety
bovidae bison buffalo sheep goats antelopesBovidae (bison, buffalo, sheep, goats, antelopes), see Animal
braiding hairBraiding hair, see Cosmetology