21(1) A in the total amount of $250,000 in each fiscal biennium to counties or
22regions comprised of multiple counties to establish or enhance crisis programs to
23serve individuals having crises in rural areas. The department shall award a grant
1under this
section subsection in an amount equal to one-half the amount of money
2the county or region provides to establish or enhance crisis programs.
(2) At least $1,250,000 in each fiscal year to establish and enhance law
5enforcement and behavioral health services emergency response collaboration
6programs. Grant recipients under this subsection shall match at least 25 percent of
7the grant amount awarded for the purpose that the grant is received.
(3) At least $850,000 in each fiscal year to a county with a population
10of more than 750,000 to enhance mobile crisis teams.
County crisis call center support grants. From the appropriation
13under s. 20.435 (5) (cj), the department shall award grants to support mental health
14professionals to provide supervision and consultation to individuals who support
15crisis call center services. Each county or multicounty program that receives
16supervision and consultation services from a grant recipient described under this
17section shall contribute at least 10 percent of the costs of the services that the grant
18recipient incurs for the purpose that the grant is received.
(5m) A person is financially eligible for the program under this section
21if the joint income of the person with Alzheimer's disease and that person's spouse,
22if any, is
$48,000 $55,000 per year or less, unless the department sets a higher
23limitation on income eligibility by rule. In determining joint income for purposes of
24this subsection, the administering agency shall subtract any expenses attributable
1to the Alzheimer's-related needs of the person with Alzheimer's disease or of the
2person's caregiver.
3Section 191m. 46.977 (1) (intro.) and (a) of the statutes are consolidated,
4renumbered 46.977 (1) and amended to read:
(1) Definitions Definition. In this section
: (a) “Guardian", “guardian” 6has the meaning given in s. 54.01 (10).
7Section 191p. 46.977 (1) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 46.977 (2) (ag) and
8amended to read:
(2) (ag)
“Organization" In this subsection, “organization” means a
10private, nonprofit agency or a county department under s. 46.215, 46.22, 46.23, 51.42
11or 51.437.
12Section 191r. 46.977 (2) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 46.977 (2) (am) and
13amended to read:
(2) (am) From the appropriation under s. 20.435 (1) (cg), the department
15may under this
section subsection, based on the criteria under par. (c), award grants
16to applying organizations for the purpose of training and assisting guardians for
17individuals found incompetent under ch. 54. No grant may be paid unless the
18awardee provides matching funds equal to 10 percent of the amount of the award.
19Section 191s. 46.977 (2) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (b) (intro.) Organizations awarded grants under par.
(a) (am) shall
21do all of the following:
(2) (c) In reviewing applications for grants
under par. (am), the
24department shall consider the extent to which the proposed program will effectively
25train and assist guardians for individuals found incompetent under ch. 54.
(3) Grant for initial training. (a) The department shall award a grant
3to develop, administer, and conduct the guardian training required under s. 54.26.
(b) The department shall require the grantee to have expertise in state
5guardianship law, experience with technical assistance and support to guardians
6and wards, and knowledge of common challenges and questions encountered by
7guardians and wards.
(c) The grantee selected to develop training that meets the requirements under
9s. 54.26 (1) shall develop plain-language, web-based training modules using
10adult-learning design principles that can be accessed for free by training topic and
11in formats that maximize accessibility, with printed versions available for free upon
(4) The department shall ensure that any child who is eligible and who
15applies for the disabled children's long-term support program that is operating
16under a waiver of federal law receives services under the disabled children's
17long-term support program that is operating under a waiver of federal law.”.
(3) (e) 11. The department shall use a portion of the moneys collected
22under s. 50.38 (2) (a) to pay for services provided by eligible hospitals, as defined in
23s. 50.38 (1), other than critical access hospitals, under the Medical Assistance
24Program under this subchapter, including services reimbursed on a fee-for-service
1basis and services provided under a managed care system. For state fiscal year
22008-09, total payments required under this subdivision, including both the federal
3and state share of Medical Assistance, shall equal the amount collected under s.
450.38 (2) (a) for fiscal year 2008-09 divided by 57.75 percent. For each state fiscal
5year after state fiscal year 2008-09, total payments required under this subdivision,
6including both the federal and state share of Medical Assistance, shall equal the
7amount collected under s. 50.38 (2) (a) for the fiscal year divided by 61.68 percent
8except that if the department has expanded eligibility under section 2001 (a) (1) (C)
9of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, P.L. 111-148, for the Medical
10Assistance program under this subchapter, the amount collected for the fiscal year
11shall be divided by 53.69 percent.