Trans 129.10(2)(f)(f) The person is certified as a rider coach by the curriculum provider. Trans 129.10 NoteNote: Nothing in this rule prohibits a rider education provider or the curriculum provider from imposing more stringent driver record or background requirements upon instructors.
Trans 129.10(3)(3) Instructor driver record requirements. To be licensed as a rider coach, a person shall maintain a satisfactory driving record. A person's driving record may not be considered satisfactory under this subsection if that person: Trans 129.10(3)(am)(am) Has been convicted under s. 346.04 (2t) or (3), under s. 346.57 (4) (a) to (k) for speeding in excess of 20 miles per hour over the applicable speed limit, under s. 346.62, 346.63 (1), (2) or (6) (a), 346.67 (1), or 346.70 (1) as an operator, under s. 346.94 (2), or, if the violation caused bodily harm, as defined in s. 939.22 (4), to another where persons engaged in work in a highway maintenance or construction area, utility work area, or emergency or roadside response area are at risk from traffic, under s. 346.04 (1) or (2), 346.18 (6), 346.37, 346.39, 346.46 (1), or 346.57 (2), (3), (4) (d) to (h), or (5), or under an ordinance adopted in conformity with these offenses, or under any offenses in another jurisdiction that prohibits the following conduct as described in the other jurisdiction’s laws: Trans 129.10(3)(am)1.1. Failure to perform duties required of a driver after an accident, such as stopping, exchanging driver information, or reporting an accident. Trans 129.10(3)(am)2.2. Fleeing or attempting to elude an officer, or knowingly resisting an officer by failing to stop a vehicle. Trans 129.10(3)(am)3.3. Operating a commercial vehicle with alcohol concentration of 0.04 or more but less than 0.1 and causing injury. Trans 129.10(3)(am)5.5. Operating while under influence of intoxicant or controlled substance, or with a prohibited alcohol concentration. Trans 129.10 NoteNote: The offenses described would all be 6-point offenses if committed in this state. See s. Trans 101.02 (1). There is no requirement that the other jurisdiction’s statute strictly conform to Wisconsin’s, only that it prohibits similar conduct. Variations in language from that used in Wisconsin statutes is expected and will not render a violation dissimilar. The department considers the type of conduct prohibited by the other jurisdiction’s law, not the particular conduct committed by the licensee. Trans 129.10(3)(b)(b) Has been involved in 2 or more accidents in the preceding year and the accident report for more than one accident indicates that the person may have been causally negligent. Trans 129.10(3)(c)(c) Has had his or her operator’s license revoked or suspended for a traffic violation other than a parking violation, failure to pay a forfeiture or other debt of any type, at any time during the preceding year. Trans 129.10 NoteNote: Nothing in this rule prohibits a rider education provider or the curriculum provider from imposing more stringent driver record or background requirements upon rider coaches.
Trans 129.10(4)(a)(a) Conduct rider courses and programs at authorized training sites, in conjunction with an approved rider education provider, and in a manner that meets the standards required by the curriculum provider. Trans 129.10(4)(b)(b) Maintain a low risk and positive learning environment for all students. Trans 129.10(4)(c)(c) Follow riding practices consistent with the curriculum provider’s teachings. Trans 129.10(4)(d)(d) Operate a motorcycle on a frequent, routine basis during the riding season. Trans 129.10(4)(e)(e) Ride, drive, and teach classes free of intoxicants, controlled substances, and controlled substance analogs as defined in ch. 340, Stats. Trans 129.10(4)(f)(f) Wear protective gear when riding to, from, and during on-cycle rider training activities. Trans 129.10(4)(g)(g) Complete rider coach or rider coach trainer professional development in addition to training required for initial licensure under this chapter if required by the curriculum provider or the department. Trans 129.10(4)(h)(h) Exhibit professional conduct, including having an appropriate appearance, using appropriate language, exhibiting positive verbal and written messages, and engaging in positive interaction with others that is free from intimidation or threat. Trans 129.10(4)(i)(i) Provide each student who successfully completes a rider course a course completion card. If the rider used a 3-wheeled vehicle on the range portion of the course, provide a notation that the course was completed on a 3-wheeled vehicle on the course completion card. Trans 129.10(5)(5) Ineligibility for and suspension of rider coach license.