DHS 163.03(75)(75)“Lead inspector” means an individual who conducts a lead-free inspection, or lead inspection and who may also conduct clearance activities.
DHS 163.03(76)(76)“Lead investigation activity” means any activity that determines whether lead-based paint or lead hazards are present. Lead investigation activities include clearance, dust-wipe sampling, elevated blood lead investigation, lead-free inspection, lead inspection, lead hazard screen, lead-safe investigation, paint chip sampling, partial lead inspection, risk assessment, soil sampling, and XRF testing activities.
DHS 163.03(77)(77)“Lead investigation discipline” means a job category for which individuals are trained and become certified by the department to conduct specific lead investigation activities. Lead investigation disciplines are lead hazard investigator, inspector, risk assessor and sampling technician.
DHS 163.03(78)(78)“Lead project designer” means an individual who designs abatement projects and who may also write occupant protection plans or abatement reports.
DHS 163.03(79)(79)“Lead risk assessor” means an individual who conducts lead investigation activities.
DHS 163.03(80)(80)“Lead sampling technician” means an individual who independently performs limited clearance activities or assists a lead hazard investigator, inspector or risk assessor in conducting other lead investigation activities, including collecting paint-chip, dust-wipe or soil samples.
DHS 163.03(81)(81)“Lead-safe investigation” means a lead investigation activity conducted to determine whether a dwelling, dwelling unit, child-occupied facility or other premises qualifies for a certificate of lead-safe status.
DHS 163.03(83)(83)“Lead-safe renovator” means an individual who performs or directs workers who perform renovation activities in target housing or child-occupied facilities.
DHS 163.03(84)(84)“Loading” means the quantity of a specific substance present per unit of surface area, such as the amount of lead in micrograms contained in the dust collected from a certain surface area divided by the surface area in square feet or square meters.
DHS 163.03(85)(85)“Mid-yard” means an area of a yard approximately midway between the outermost edge of the dripline of a structure and the nearest property boundary or midway between the outermost edges of the driplines of a structure and another building on the same property.
DHS 163.03(85m)(85m)“Minor repair and maintenance activities” means activities, including minor heating, ventilation or air conditioning work, electrical work, and plumbing, that disrupt 6 square feet or less of painted surface per room for interior activities or 20 square feet or less of painted surface for exterior activities where none of the work practices prohibited or restricted by s. DHS 163.14 (11) (h) are used, and where the work does not involve window replacement or demolition. When removing painted components, or portions of painted components, the entire surface area removed is the amount of painted surface disturbed. Jobs, other than emergency renovations, performed in the same room within 30 consecutive days shall be considered the same job for the purpose of determining whether the job is a minor repair and maintenance activity.
DHS 163.03 NoteNote: See definitions of ‘demolition’ and ‘renovation.’
DHS 163.03(86)(86)“Multi-family dwelling” means a single structure that contains more than one dwelling unit.
DHS 163.03(87)(87)“Occupant” means one of the following:
DHS 163.03(87)(a)(a) A person, other than a guest, who leases or lawfully resides in a dwelling as the person’s home or residence.
DHS 163.03(87)(b)(b) A person who leases or lawfully occupies a premises that is not a dwelling, such as a child-occupied facility.
DHS 163.03(88)(88)“Occupant protection plan” means a written plan developed prior to a lead hazard reduction activity that describes the measures that will be taken to protect the building occupants from exposure to lead-based paint hazards.
DHS 163.03(88m)(88m)“Pamphlet” means the EPA pamphlet titled Renovate Right: Important Lead Hazard Information for Families, Child Care Providers and Schools or any other pamphlet approved by the department and EPA pursuant to 40 CFR 745.326 that is developed for the same purpose. This includes reproductions of the pamphlet when copied in full and without revision or deletion of material from the pamphlet, except for the addition of local sources of information.
DHS 163.03(88r)(88r)“Partial lead inspection” means an on-site sampling or testing of one or more, but not all, testing combinations in any target housing or child-occupied facility to determine the presence of lead-based paint.
DHS 163.03(89)(89)“Permanently covered soil” means soil that has been separated from human contact by the placement of a barrier consisting of solid, relatively impermeable materials, such as asphalt or concrete. Grass, mulch and other landscaping materials are not considered permanent coverings.
DHS 163.03(90)(90)“Person” means any individual or entity, including a sole proprietorship, corporation, limited liability corporation, partnership or association, Indian tribe, state or local agency or political subdivision of a state, interstate body, or department, agency or other instrumentality of the federal government.
DHS 163.03(91)(91)“Play area” means an area of frequent contact by children under age 6, as indicated by such factors as the use of the structure, observations of play patterns, information provided by parents or others, or the presence of play equipment, toys or other possessions of children.
DHS 163.03(91m)(91m)“Porch” means an unenclosed exterior structure at or near grade attached or adjacent to the exterior wall of any building, and having a roof and floor.
DHS 163.03(92)(92)“Premises” means any of the following:
DHS 163.03(92)(a)(a) An educational or child care facility, including attached structures and the real property upon which the facility stands, that provides services to children under 6 years of age.
DHS 163.03(92)(b)(b) Other buildings and facilities, including attached structures and real property upon which the buildings or facilities stand, that might contain lead-based paint or a lead-based paint hazard.
DHS 163.03(93)(93)“Principal instructor” means an individual who has the primary responsibility for organizing and teaching a training course.
DHS 163.03(94)(94)“Property owner” means a person who has both equitable title and legal possession of a dwelling, child-occupied facility, premises, registered lead-free property or registered lead-safe property.
DHS 163.03(95)(95)“Real property” means the land, buildings and improvements, and all contiguous property under the same ownership.