1An Act to repeal 49.141 (1) (j) 2., 102.51 (1) (a) 2., 115.76 (12) (a) 2., 115.76 (12)
2(a) 3. and 769.401 (2) (g);
to renumber and amend 891.40 (1) and 891.41 (1)
to amend 29.219 (4), 29.228 (5), 29.228 (6), 29.229 (2) (i), 29.2295 (2) (i),
429.563 (3) (a) 3., 29.607 (3), 45.01 (6) (c), 45.51 (3) (c) 2., 45.51 (5) (a) 1. b., 45.51
5(5) (a) 1. c., 45.55, 46.10 (2), 48.02 (13), 48.025 (title), 48.025 (2) (b), 48.025 (3)
6(c), 48.27 (3) (b) 1. a., 48.27 (3) (b) 1. b., 48.27 (5), 48.299 (6) (intro.), 48.299 (6)
7(e) 1., 48.299 (6) (e) 2., 48.299 (6) (e) 3., 48.299 (6) (e) 4., 48.299 (7), 48.355 (4g)
8(a) 1., 48.396 (2) (dm), 48.42 (1g) (a) 4., 48.42 (1g) (b), 48.42 (1g) (c), 48.42 (2) (b)
91., 48.42 (2) (b) 2., 48.42 (2) (bm) 1., 48.422 (6) (a), 48.422 (7) (bm), 48.422 (7) (br),
1048.423 (2) (d), 48.432 (1) (am) 2. b., 48.63 (3) (b) 4., 48.63 (3) (b) 5., 48.82 (1) (a),
1148.837 (1r) (d), 48.837 (1r) (e), 48.837 (6) (b), 48.837 (6) (br), 48.913 (1) (a),
1248.913 (1) (b), 48.913 (1) (h), 48.913 (2) (intro.), 48.913 (2) (b), 48.913 (2) (c)
13(intro.), 48.913 (3), 48.913 (4), 48.913 (7), 49.141 (1) (j) 1., 49.155 (1m) (c) 1g.,
1449.155 (1m) (c) 1h., 49.163 (2) (am) 2., 49.19 (1) (a) 2. a., 49.19 (4) (d) (intro.),
149.19 (4) (d) 1., 49.19 (4) (d) 2., 49.19 (4) (d) 3., 49.19 (4) (d) 4., 49.19 (4) (d) 5.,
249.345 (2), 49.43 (12), 49.471 (1) (b) 2., 49.90 (4), 54.01 (36) (a), 54.960 (1), 69.03
3(15), 69.11 (4) (b), 69.12 (5), 69.13 (2) (b) 4., 69.14 (1) (c) 4., 69.14 (1) (e) (title)
4and 1., 69.14 (1) (f) 1., 69.14 (1) (g), 69.14 (2) (b) 2. d., 69.15 (1), 69.15 (3) (title),
5(a) (intro.), 1., 2. and 3. and (b) 1., 2., 3. and 4. (intro), a. and b., 69.15 (3) (d),
669.15 (3m) (title), (a) (intro.) and 3. and (b), 71.03 (2) (d) (title), 71.03 (2) (d) 1.,
771.03 (2) (d) 2., 71.03 (2) (d) 3., 71.03 (2) (g), 71.03 (2) (m) 2., 71.03 (4) (a), 71.05
8(22) (a) (title), 71.07 (5m) (a) 3., 71.07 (9e) (b), 71.09 (13) (a) 2., 71.52 (4), 71.83
9(1) (a) 8., 71.83 (1) (b) 5., 77.25 (8m), 77.54 (7) (b) 1., 101.91 (5m), 102.07 (5) (b),
10102.07 (5) (c), 102.51 (1) (a) 1., 103.10 (1) (h), 103.165 (3) (a) 3., 111.32 (12),
11115.76 (12) (a) 1., 115.76 (13), 146.34 (1) (f), 157.05, 182.004 (6), 250.04 (3) (a),
12301.12 (2), 301.50 (1), 700.19 (2), 705.01 (4), 705.01 (4m), 706.09 (1) (e), 765.001
13(2), 765.01, 765.03 (1), 765.16 (1m) (intro.), 765.16 (1m) (c), 765.23, 765.24,
14765.30 (3) (a), 766.587 (7) (form) 9., 766.588 (9) (form) 13., 766.589 (10) (form)
1514., 767.215 (2) (b), 767.215 (5) (a) 2., 767.323, 767.80 (1) (intro.), 767.80 (1) (c),
16767.80 (2), 767.803, 767.805 (1), (1m), (2), (3) (title) and (a), (4) (intro.) and (d),
17(5) and (6) (a) (intro.), 767.855, 767.863 (1m), 767.87 (1m) (intro.), 767.87 (8),
18767.87 (9), 767.883 (1), 769.316 (9), 769.401 (2) (a), 815.20 (1), 822.40 (4), 851.30
19(2) (a), 852.01 (1) (f) 1., 852.01 (1) (f) 2., 852.01 (1) (f) 3., 854.03 (3), 891.39 (title),
20891.39 (1) (a), 891.39 (1) (b), 891.39 (3), 891.40 (2), 891.405, 891.41 (title), 891.41
21(1) (intro.), 891.41 (1) (a), 891.41 (2), 905.05 (title), 938.02 (13), 938.396 (2g) (g),
22943.20 (2) (c), 943.201 (1) (b) 8. and 943.205 (2) (b); and
to create 69.15 (3) (b)
233m., 765.02 (3), 891.40 (1) (b), 891.40 (3), 891.41 (3), 990.01 (22m), 990.01 (39)
1and 990.01 (40m) of the statutes;
relating to: marriage between persons of the
2same sex and extending parentage rights to married couples of the same sex.