1An Act to repeal 343.301 (1m), 343.31 (3m) and 347.50 (1t);
to renumber 343.13
to renumber and amend 343.301 (2m) (a) and 347.413;
to consolidate,
3renumber and amend 343.301 (1g) (am) (intro.) and 1.;
to amend 303.08
4(10r), 343.10 (1) (b), 343.10 (2) (a) 1., 343.10 (2) (f), 343.10 (5) (a) 1., 343.10 (5)
5(a) 3., 343.10 (5) (b), 343.10 (7) (cm), 343.10 (7) (e), 343.30 (1q) (b) 2., 343.30 (1q)
6(b) 3., 343.30 (1q) (b) 4., 343.301 (1g) (am) 2., 343.301 (3) (a), 343.305 (10) (b) 2.,
7343.305 (10) (b) 3., 343.305 (10) (b) 4., 343.305 (10) (em), 343.31 (3) (bm) 2.,
8343.31 (3) (bm) 3., 343.31 (3) (bm) 4., 343.43 (1) (d), 347.50 (1) and 347.50 (1s);
to create 343.10 (1) (am), 343.13 (3) (b), 343.301 (2m) (a) 2., 343.301 (2t),
10343.301 (6) and 343.302 (4) of the statutes;
relating to: operating privilege of
11persons who have committed certain offenses related to drunken driving,
12occupational licenses, ignition interlock devices, and providing a penalty.
This bill provides for a restricted occupational operating license limiting the
holder to operating only vehicles that are equipped with an ignition interlock device
(IID) and makes various related changes to statutes governing operating privilege
revocations for certain offenses related to operating a vehicle while intoxicated (OWI