1An Act to amend 292.31 (1) (d) (intro.); and
to create 20.370 (4) (aa), 20.370 (4)
2(ab), 20.370 (4) (ad), 20.370 (4) (ae), 20.370 (4) (ak), 160.07 (4) (f), 160.07 (7),
3160.15 (4), 281.17 (8) (c), 285.27 (2) (bm), 292.31 (1) (d) 1m., 292.74, 299.15 (2m)
4and 299.48 of the statutes;
relating to: setting standards for certain
5contaminants, regulating fire fighting foam that contains certain
6contaminants, providing information relating to off-site disposal of certain
7waste, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an
8exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority,
9and making an appropriation.