SB810,212,54 180.0502 (3) (a) The name of the corporation represented by the registered
SB810,212,76 (b) The name, e-mail address, and street address of the agent as currently
7shown in the records of the department for the corporation.
SB810,212,88 (c) The new name, new e-mail address, or new street address of the agent.
SB810,215 9Section 215. 180.0502 (5) of the statutes is created to read:
SB810,212,1210 180.0502 (5) A registered agent promptly shall furnish notice to the
11represented corporation of the filing by the department of the statement of change
12and the changes made by the statement.
SB810,216 13Section 216. 180.0503 (1) (intro.), (a), (b), (c) and (d) of the statutes are
14amended to read:
SB810,212,1715 180.0503 (1) (intro.) The A registered agent of a corporation may resign as
16agent for a corporation
by signing and delivering to the department for filing a
17statement of resignation that includes states all of the following information:
SB810,212,1818 (a) The name of the corporation for which the registered agent is acting.
SB810,212,1919 (b) The name of the registered agent.
SB810,212,2120 (c) The street address of the corporation's current registered office and its
21principal office to which the department will send the notice required by sub. (2).
SB810,212,2322 (d) A statement that That the registered agent resigns from serving as
23registered agent for the corporation
SB810,217 24Section 217. 180.0503 (4) and (5) of the statutes are created to read:
1180.0503 (4) When a statement of resignation takes effect, the registered agent
2ceases to have responsibility under this chapter for any matter thereafter tendered
3to it as agent for the corporation. The resignation does not affect any contractual
4rights the corporation has against the agent or that the agent has against the
SB810,213,7 6(5) A registered agent may resign with respect to a corporation whether or not
7the corporation is in good standing.
SB810,218 8Section 218 . 180.0504 (1) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
SB810,213,139 180.0504 (1) A corporation may be served with any process, notice, or demand
10required or permitted by law by serving its registered agent. The department may
11serve any written notice required or authorized under this chapter by e-mailing it
12to the registered agent's e-mail address on file with the department, and such notice
13shall be effective as provided in s. 180.0141.
SB810,219 14Section 219. 180.0504 (2) (intro.), (a) and (c) of the statutes are amended to
SB810,213,2216 180.0504 (2) (intro.) Except as provided in sub. (3), if a corporation has no
17registered agent or the its registered agent cannot with reasonable diligence be
18served, the corporation may be served by registered or certified mail, return receipt
19requested, or by similar delivery service, addressed to the corporation at its principal
20office. Service is perfected under this subsection , as shown on the records of the
21department on the date of sending. Service is perfected under this subsection
at the
22earliest of the following:
SB810,213,2423 (a) The date on which the corporation receives the mail or delivery by the
24commercial delivery service
1(c) Five days after its deposit it is deposited in the U.S. mail, or with the
2commercial delivery service,
if mailed postpaid and correctly addressed and with
3sufficient postage or payment
SB810,220 4Section 220. 180.0504 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB810,214,175 180.0504 (3) If process, notice, or demand in an action cannot be served on a
6corporation pursuant to sub. (1) or (2), service may be made by handing a copy to the
7individual in charge of any regular place of business or activity of the corporation if
8the individual served is not a plaintiff in the action.
Except as provided in s. 180.1421
9(2m) (b), if the address of the corporation's principal office cannot be determined from
10the records held by of the department, the corporation may be served by publishing
11a class 3 notice, under ch. 985, in the community where the corporation's principal
12office or registered office, as most recently designated in the records of the
13department, is located. If the address of the corporation's principal office cannot be
14determined from the records of the department, the corporation may be served by
15publishing a class 3 notice, under ch. 985, in the community where the corporation's
16principal office or registered office, as most recently designated in the records of the
17department, is located.
SB810,221 18Section 221 . 180.0504 (3m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB810,214,2019 180.0504 (3m) Service of process, notice, or demand on a registered agent must
20be in a written record.
SB810,222 21Section 222 . 180.0504 (4) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
SB810,214,2322 180.0504 (4) Service of process, notice, or demand on a registered agent may
23be made by other means under law other than this chapter.
SB810,223 24Section 223. 180.0624 of the statutes is amended to read:
1180.0624 Share rights, options and warrants. Unless the articles of
2incorporation provide otherwise before the issuance of the rights, options or
3warrants, a corporation may issue rights, options or warrants for the purchase of
4shares of the corporation. The rights, options or warrants may contain provisions
5that adjust the rights, options or warrants in the event of an acquisition of shares or
6a reorganization, merger, share interest exchange, sale of assets or other occurrence.
7Subject to the articles of incorporation, the board of directors shall determine the
8terms on which the rights, options or warrants are issued, their form and content,
9and the consideration for which the shares are to be issued. Notwithstanding s.
10180.0601 (1) and any other provision of this chapter, and unless otherwise provided
11in the articles of incorporation before issuance of the rights, options or warrants, a
12corporation may before, on or after April 30, 1972, issue rights, options or warrants
13that include conditions that prevent the holder of a specified percentage of the
14outstanding shares of the corporation, including subsequent transferees of the
15holder, from exercising those rights, options or warrants.
SB810,224 16Section 224 . 180.0704 (7) of the statutes is created to read: