DHS 157.22(5)(c)2.2. Obtain, by telephone, facsimile, electronic media or letter, reports of the individual’s dose equivalent from the most recent employer for work involving radiation exposure, or the individual’s current employer, if the individual is not employed by the licensee or registrant. A licensee or registrant shall request a written verification of the dose data if the authenticity of the transmitted report cannot be established.
DHS 157.22(5)(d)(d)
DHS 157.22(5)(d)1.1. A licensee or registrant shall record the exposure history, as required by par. (a), on an occupational radiation exposure form provided by the department, or other clear and legible record of all the information required on that form. The form or record shall show each period in which the individual received occupational exposure to radiation or radioactive material and shall be signed by the individual who received the exposure. For each period for which a licensee or registrant obtains reports, a licensee or registrant shall use the dose shown in the report in preparing the occupational radiation exposure form or equivalent. For any period in which a licensee or registrant does not obtain a report, a licensee or registrant shall place a notation on the occupational radiation exposure form or equivalent indicating the periods of time for which data are not available.
DHS 157.22 NoteNote: An occupational radiation exposure history form may be obtained by writing to: Department of Health Services, Radiation Protection Section, P.O. Box 2659, Madison WI 53701-2659; or by downloading the form from the Department website at: http://dhs.wisconsin.gov/radiation/Index.htm.
DHS 157.22(5)(d)2.2. A licensee or registrant is not required to partition historical dose between external dose equivalents and internal committed dose equivalents. Further, occupational exposure histories obtained and recorded on the department’s occupational radiation exposure form or equivalent before the effective date of August 1, 2002, may not have included effective dose equivalent, but may be used in the absence of specific information on the intake of radionuclides by the individual.
DHS 157.22(5)(e)(e) If a licensee or registrant is unable to obtain a complete record of an individual’s current and previously accumulated occupational dose, a licensee or registrant shall assume all the following:
DHS 157.22(5)(e)1.1. In establishing administrative controls under sub. (1) (f) for the current year, that the allowable dose limit for the individual is reduced by 12.5 mSv (1.25 rem) for each quarter for which records were unavailable and the individual was engaged in activities that could have resulted in occupational radiation exposure.
DHS 157.22(5)(e)2.2. That the individual is not available for planned special exposures.
DHS 157.22(5)(f)(f) A licensee or registrant shall retain the records on the department’s occupational radiation exposure form or equivalent until the department terminates each pertinent license or registration requiring this record. A licensee or registrant shall retain records used in preparing the occupational radiation exposure form or equivalent for 3 years after the record is made.
DHS 157.22 NoteNote: The Department’s occupational radiation exposure history form may be obtained by writing to: Department of Health Services, Radiation Protection Section, P.O. Box 2659, Madison WI 53701-2659; or by downloading the form from the Department website at: http://dhs.wisconsin.gov/radiation/Index.htm.
DHS 157.22(6)(6)Planned special exposures. A licensee or registrant may authorize an adult worker to receive doses in addition to and accounted for separately from the doses received under the limits specified in sub. (1) provided that each of the following conditions is satisfied:
DHS 157.22(6)(a)(a) A licensee or registrant authorizes a planned special exposure only in an exceptional situation when alternatives that might avoid the dose estimated to result from the planned special exposure are unavailable or impractical.
DHS 157.22(6)(b)(b) A licensee or registrant and employer, if the employer is not the licensee or registrant, specifically authorizes the planned special exposure, in writing, before the exposure occurs.
DHS 157.22(6)(c)(c) Before a planned special exposure, a licensee or registrant ensures that each individual involved has been informed and instructed in all the following:
DHS 157.22(6)(c)1.1. The purpose of the planned operation.
DHS 157.22(6)(c)2.2. The estimated doses and associated potential risks and specific radiation levels or other conditions that might be involved in performing the task.
DHS 157.22(6)(c)3.3. The measures to be taken to keep the dose ALARA considering other risks that may be present.
DHS 157.22(6)(d)(d) Prior to permitting an individual to participate in a planned special exposure, a licensee or registrant ascertains prior doses as required by sub. (5) (b) during the lifetime of the individual for each individual involved.
DHS 157.22(6)(e)(e) Subject to sub. (1) (b), a licensee or registrant may not authorize a planned special exposure that would cause an individual to receive a dose from all planned special exposures and all doses in excess of any of the following limits:
DHS 157.22(6)(e)1.1. The numerical values of any of the dose limits in sub. (1) (a) in any year.
DHS 157.22(6)(e)2.2. Five times the annual dose limits in sub. (1) (a) during the individual’s lifetime.
DHS 157.22(6)(f)(f) A licensee or registrant maintains records of the conduct of a planned special exposure under s. DHS 157.31 (6) and submits a written report under s. DHS 157.32 (4).
DHS 157.22(6)(g)(g) A licensee or registrant records the best estimate of the dose resulting from the planned special exposure in the individual’s record and informs the individual, in writing, of the dose within 30 days from the date of the planned special exposure. The dose from planned special exposures may not be considered in controlling future occupational dose of the individual under sub. (1) (a) but shall be included in evaluations required by pars. (d) and (e).
DHS 157.22(7)(7)Occupational dose limit for a minor.
DHS 157.22(7)(a)(a) The annual occupational dose limit for a minor is 10% of the annual occupational dose limits specified for adult workers in sub. (1).
DHS 157.22(7)(b)(b) A minor may not work in an area where the minor could receive a deep dose equivalent in excess of .02 mSv (2 mrem) in any one hour unless authorized in writing by the department.
DHS 157.22(8)(8)Dose equivalent to an embryo or fetus.
DHS 157.22(8)(a)(a) A licensee or registrant shall ensure that the dose equivalent to an embryo or fetus during the entire pregnancy, due to occupational exposure of a declared pregnant woman, does not exceed 5 mSv (500 mrem).
DHS 157.22 NoteNote: See DHS 157.31 (7) for record keeping requirements.