SB329,,103103(h) “Independent charter school” means a charter school established under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x). SB329,,104104(i) “Intervention” means an intervention that is all of the following: SB329,,1051051. Explicit, direct instruction that is systematic, sequential, and cumulative and follows a logical plan of presenting the area of deficit that targets the specific needs of the pupil without presuming prior skills or knowledge of the pupil. SB329,,1061062. Individualized instruction to meet the specific needs of a pupil in a setting that uses intensive, highly concentrated instruction methods and materials that maximize pupil engagement. SB329,,1071073. Instruction that incorporates the simultaneous use of 2 or more sensory pathways during teacher presentations and pupil practice. SB329,,108108(j) “Parent” has the meaning given in s. 115.76 (12) (a). SB329,,109109(k) “Reading readiness assessment” means a fundamental skills screening assessment, universal screening assessment, or diagnostic assessment. SB329,,110110(L) “Universal screening assessment” means an assessment that evaluates a pupil’s skill in all of the following areas: SB329,,1111111. Phonemic awareness. SB329,,1121122. Decoding skills. SB329,,1131133. Alphabet knowledge. SB329,,1141144. Letter sound knowledge. SB329,,1151155. Oral Vocabulary. SB329,,116116(2) Four-year-old kindergarten; screening requirement. Each school board and the operator of each independent charter school shall annually assess the early literacy skills of each pupil enrolled in 4-year-old kindergarten in the school district or in the independent charter school at least 2 times during the school year using a fundamental skills screening assessment selected by the department. The school board or operator of the independent charter school shall ensure that the first screening assessment is administered before the 45th day after the first day of the school term and that the 2nd screening assessment is administered by the date that is 45 days before the last day of the school term. The school board or operator of the independent charter school shall ensure that assessments required under this subsection are administered with fidelity. SB329,,117117(3) Early literacy assessments; 5-year-old kindergarten to 3rd grade. Each school board and the operator of each independent charter school shall annually assess the early literacy skills of each pupil enrolled in 5-year-old kindergarten to 3rd grade in the school district or in the independent charter school as follows: SB329,,118118(a) Universal screenings. Screen the pupil at least 3 times during the school year using a universal screening assessment selected by the department. The school board or operator of the independent charter school shall ensure that the universal screening assessments are administered at the following times during the school year: SB329,,1191191. The first universal screening assessment is administered before the 45th day after the first day of the school term. SB329,,1201202. The 2nd universal screening assessment is administered in the middle of the school term, as determined by the school board or operator of the independent charter school. SB329,,1211213. The 3rd universal screening assessment is administered by the date that is 45 days before the last day of the school term. SB329,,122122(b) Diagnostic assessment. Assess a pupil using a diagnostic assessment as follows: SB329,,1231231. No later than the 2nd Friday of November if a universal screening assessment administered under par. (a) 1. indicates that the pupil is at-risk. SB329,,1241242. Within 10 days after a universal screening assessment is administered under par. (a) 2. if the universal screening assessment indicates that the pupil is at-risk. SB329,,1251253. Within 20 days after a teacher or parent who suspects that the pupil has characteristics of dyslexia submits a request for a diagnostic assessment. SB329,,126126(c) Administering assessments with fidelity. Ensure that each assessment required under this subsection is administered with fidelity. SB329,,127127(4) Parental notification. (a) Assessment results. A school board or operator of an independent charter school shall provide the results of a reading readiness assessment, in writing, to a pupil’s parent no later than 15 days after the reading readiness assessment is scored. For purposes of providing results of a reading readiness assessment under this paragraph, a school board or operator of an independent charter school shall provide at least all of the following to a pupil’s parent in the native language of the pupil’s parent: SB329,,1281281. The pupil’s score on the reading readiness assessment. SB329,,1291292. The pupil’s score in each early literacy skill category assessed by the reading readiness assessment. SB329,,1301303. The pupil’s percentile rank score on the reading readiness assessment, if available. SB329,,1311314. The definition of “at-risk” and the score on the reading readiness assessment that would indicate that a pupil is at-risk.