AB245-engrossed,,6666(1) With regard to the budget of the county, all of the following apply: AB245-engrossed,,6767(a) The total amount of budgeted expenditures related to cultural or entertainment matters or involving partnerships with nonprofit groups may not be greater than 5 percent of the total amount of budgeted expenditures for the budget period. This paragraph does not apply to any expenditure of a county for parks, including zoos, or for health or transit services. AB245-engrossed,,6868(b) When each department of the county submits estimated revenues and expenditures for the ensuing budget period, it shall also provide a proposal to reduce the department’s expenditures for the ensuing fiscal period by an amount equal to a total of 5 percent of the department’s base level for its budget for the current fiscal period. AB245-engrossed,,6969(2) The board may enact an ordinance or adopt a resolution that includes new program spending only upon a two-thirds vote of all of the members of the board. This subsection does not apply to a program that is intended to reduce expenditures or consolidate or reorganize existing services into a different administrative structure without increasing expenditures. This subsection does not apply if the county is not imposing a tax under s. 77.70 (2) (a). AB245-engrossed,,7070(3) The board may enact an ordinance or adopt a resolution that increases the total number of positions in the county only upon a two-thirds vote of all of the members of the board. This subsection does not apply if the county is not imposing a tax under s. 77.70 (2) (a). AB245-engrossed,,7171(4) The county shall prepare a report on changes to its compensation plan that are necessary and desirable to make the county competitive in the market for correctional workers at a sustainable level of funding. AB245-engrossed,,7272(5) The county shall identify all buildings that the county has authority to sell and that are not being used by the county and prepare a plan for the use or sale of these buildings. The county shall submit that plan to the joint committee on finance in the manner provided under s. 13.172 (2). AB245-engrossed,,7373(6) (a) In this subsection, “qualified amount” means the required amount of the retirement system’s unfunded actuarial accrued liability contribution in 2022. AB245-engrossed,,7474(b) In any year in which the county imposes a tax under s. 77.70 (2) (a), other than the first year in which the tax is imposed, the county shall spend a total of not less than the qualified amount on the following: AB245-engrossed,,75751. The Milwaukee County circuit court. AB245-engrossed,,76762. The Milwaukee County secure residential care center for children and youth. AB245-engrossed,,77773. Maintaining or increasing the compensation of Milwaukee County correctional workers. AB245-engrossed,,78784. The Milwaukee County medical examiner. AB245-engrossed,,808060.34 (1) (a) Except as provided in s. 66.0608 (3m), receive and take charge of all money belonging to the town, or which is required by law to be paid into the town treasury, and disburse the money under s. 66.0607. AB245-engrossed,,838360.85 (1) (h) 1. c. Real property assembly costs, meaning any deficit incurred resulting from the sale or lease as lessor by the town of real or personal property within a tax incremental district for consideration which is less than its cost to the town. AB245-engrossed,,858560.85 (1) (o) “Taxable property” means all real and personal taxable property located in a tax incremental district. AB245-engrossed,,878760.85 (5) (j) Upon receiving a written application from the town clerk, in a form prescribed by the department of revenue, the department shall recalculate the base value of a tax incremental district affected by 2023 Wisconsin Act .... (this act) to remove the value of the personal property. A request received under this paragraph no later than October 31 is effective in the year following the year in which the request is made. A request received after October 31 is effective in the 2nd year following the year in which the request is made. AB245-engrossed,,898961.26 (2) Except as provided in s. 66.0608 (3m), receive all moneys belonging or accruing to the village or directed by law to be paid to the treasurer. AB245-engrossed,,919161.26 (3) Except as provided in s. 66.0608 (3m), deposit upon receipt the funds of the village in the name of the village in the public depository designated by the board. Failure to comply with this subsection shall be prima facie grounds for removal from office. When the money is deposited, the treasurer and bonders are not liable for the losses defined by s. 34.01 (2), and the interest shall be paid into the village treasury. AB245-engrossed,,939362.09 (9) (a) Except as provided in s. 66.0608 (3m), the treasurer shall collect all city, school, county, and state taxes, receive all moneys belonging to the city or which by law are directed to be paid to the treasurer, and pay over the money in the treasurer’s hands according to law.