Relating to: technical college district board membership.
By Senators Wanggaard and Marklein; cosponsored by Representatives Nedweski, Schutt, O'Connor, Rettinger, Penterman, August, Murphy and Vos.
hist174794To the committee on Economic Development and Technical Colleges.
hist174072Senate Bill 523
Relating to: grants to schools to acquire proactive firearm detection software and making an appropriation.
By Senators Wanggaard, James, Cabral-Guevara, Feyen, L. Johnson and Quinn; cosponsored by Representatives Callahan, Spiros, Allen, Armstrong, Brandtjen, Dittrich, Donovan, Edming, Goeben, Green, Michalski, Mursau, Nedweski, O'Connor, Ortiz-Velez, Rettinger, Rodriguez, Schmidt, Steffen and Summerfield.
hist174795To the committee on Education.
hist174154Senate Bill 524
Relating to: the use of videoconferencing technology in certain civil actions.
By Senators James, Ballweg and Marklein; cosponsored by Representatives Novak, Brandtjen, Donovan, Kitchens, Michalski, Murphy and Schmidt.
hist174796To the committee on Judiciary and Public Safety.
hist174155Senate Bill 525
Relating to: tinting windows on government-owned vehicles.
By Senators James, Marklein, Ballweg, Carpenter and Feyen; cosponsored by Representatives Novak, Plumer, Behnke, Brandtjen, Brooks, Dittrich, Goeben, Gundrum, Kitchens, Magnafici, Mursau, Ortiz-Velez and Spiros.
hist174797To the committee on Transportation and Local Government.
hist174156Senate Bill 526
Relating to: adding rural emergency medical services providers to the Emergency Medical Services Board.
By Senators Marklein, Ballweg, Felzkowski, Nass, Tomczyk, Stafsholt and Quinn; cosponsored by Representatives Tranel, Callahan, Edming, Green, Magnafici, Moses, Mursau, Novak, O'Connor, Penterman, Pronschinske, Rozar and VanderMeer.
hist174798To the committee on Health.
hist174514Senate Bill 527
Relating to: grants for suicide prevention programming.
By Senators Ballweg, James and L. Johnson; cosponsored by Representatives VanderMeer, Magnafici, Allen, Armstrong, Baldeh, Behnke, Brandtjen, Cabrera, Callahan, Dittrich, Edming, Emerson, Green, O'Connor, Ortiz-Velez and Subeck.
hist174799To the committee on Mental Health, Substance Abuse Prevention, Children and Families.
hist174515Senate Bill 528
Relating to: top-five primaries and instant runoff voting for the offices of U.S. senator and U.S. representative in Congress.
By Senators James, Smith, Cowles and Spreitzer; cosponsored by Representatives Tusler, Riemer, Kurtz, Andraca, Donovan, Doyle, Drake, Joers, S. Johnson, Kitchens, Mursau, Novak, Shankland, Steffen, Subeck, Zimmerman and J. Anderson.
hist174800To the committee on Shared Revenue, Elections and Consumer Protection.
hist174516Senate Bill 529
Relating to: allowing renters to claim the veterans and surviving spouses property tax credit.