Wisconsin grant calculation for private nonprofit colleges. The
22treatment of s. 39.30 (3) first applies to grants awarded for the semester or session
23beginning after the effective date of this subsection.”.
(1) (f)
Psychiatry and behavioral health residency program. The
3amounts in the schedule for a psychiatry and behavioral health residency program
4to support the recruitment and training of psychiatry and behavioral health
(3) (a)
The Subject to par. (am), the board shall establish the policies for
9admission within the system and within these policies each institution shall
10establish specific requirements for admission to its courses of instruction. No
11sectarian or partisan tests or any tests based upon race, religion, national origin of
12U.S. citizens or sex shall ever be allowed in the admission of students thereto.
46. 36.11 (3) (am) of the statutes is created to read:
(3) (am) The board shall establish a direct admission program that
15provides Wisconsin high school graduates with conditional or guaranteed
16undergraduate admission to an institution based on established eligibility criteria.
17Section 9147.
Nonstatutory provisions; University of Wisconsin
Direct admission program. The Board of Regents of the University of
20Wisconsin System shall work with a consultant to develop the direct admission
21program under s. 36.11 (3) (am) and, in developing the program, shall also consult
22with the department of public instruction, the technical college system board, and
23other interested stakeholders. The Board of Regents shall implement the direct
1admission program under s. 36.11 (3) (am) no later than the beginning of the
2admissions cycle for the 2025-26 academic year.”.
538.34 Grant to support advanced manufacturing engineering
6technology and apprenticeship center. From the appropriation under s. 20.292
7(1) (f), the board shall award a grant of $250,000 to Mid-State Technical College in
8each fiscal year for an advanced manufacturing engineering technology and
9apprenticeship center to train and maintain a workforce to meet workforce needs for
10the state's paper, pulp, and converting mills. Grants may be used for the center's
11maintenance of capital equipment and supplies, information technology equipment,
12equipment for student learning infrastructure and student learning support, and
13the center's ongoing operations.”.
(1) (bt)
Missing-in-Action Recovery and Identification Project. As a
17continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for the purposes specified in
182023 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 9147 (1a).
19Section 9147.
Nonstatutory provisions; University of Wisconsin
Funding for the University of Wisconsin Missing-in-Action Recovery
22and Identification Project.
(a) In this subsection:
241. “Board” means the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System.
12. “MIA Recovery Project” means the University of Wisconsin
2Missing-in-Action Recovery and Identification Project.
(b) From the appropriation under s. 20.285 (1) (bt), the board shall provide
4funding for the MIA Recovery Project to perform a mission for the recovery and
5identification of Wisconsin veterans who are missing in action.
(c) The MIA Recovery Project, acting through its representative, shall submit
7at the conclusion of the mission for which the funds were expended, to the board, the
8joint committee on finance, the standing committees of each house of the legislature
9dealing with veterans matters, the governor, the department of veterans affairs, and
10the department of military affairs, a report on the mission's findings and an
11accounting of expenditures for the mission.”.
(1) (cr)
Foster youth support programs. The amounts in the schedule
15to provide funding for former foster youth support programs under s. 36.25 (43).