road _ construction and repairRoad — Construction and repair
Alternative project delivery in DOT: design-build projects pilot program authorized and office of innovative program delivery created, report required; emergency rules provision [Sec. 46m, 1079m, 1089m, 9144 (4p), (4q)] [1079m, 9144 (4p) -- partial veto; 46m, 1089m, 9144 (4q) -- vetoed] - Act 9
Highway construction: DOT to maintain list of subbase materials and associated thicknesses; bidders may base bids on equivalent subbase materials on the list; engineer of record may prohibit use [vetoed] - AB273
Highway project design inventory for design-build projects: DOT required to maintain; completed environmental assessment or impact statement provision - Act 18
I 43 projects in Brown and Outagamie and Milwaukee and Ozaukee counties added to enumerated projects approved for construction [Sec. 1078, 1078d] [1078d -- partial veto] - Act 9
Local Roads Improvement Program discretionary supplemental grants: one time funding [Sec. 184s, 1095m] [184s -- partial veto; 1095m -- vetoed] - Act 9
Major interstate bridge projects, high-cost state highway bridge projects, and Zoo interchange project: bonding authority revisions [Sec. 302, 304, 304a] - Act 9
Noise barrier installation on I 41 in Milwaukee County [Sec. 9144 (4e)] [vetoed] - Act 9
road _ countyRoad — County
County forest road aid modified [Sec. 1096m] - Act 9
road _ expresswayRoad — Expressway
I 43 projects in Brown and Outagamie and Milwaukee and Ozaukee counties added to enumerated projects approved for construction [Sec. 1078, 1078d] [1078d -- partial veto] - Act 9
Major interstate bridge project: preliminary design work reference removed from certain appropriations [Sec. 1079] - Act 9
Major interstate bridge projects, high-cost state highway bridge projects, and Zoo interchange project: bonding authority revisions [Sec. 302, 304, 304a] - Act 9
``Michael G. Ellis Memorial Interchange”: DOT to designate and mark interchange of I 41, USH 10, and STH 441 in Winnebago County as - Act 3
Mileage-based fees and tolling study [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1082m] [vetoed] - Act 9
Noise barrier installation on I 41 in Milwaukee County [Sec. 9144 (4e)] [vetoed] - Act 9
road _ federal and state aidRoad -- Federal and state aid, see Road — Finance
road _ financeRoad — Finance
Interest and penalties due on general fund taxes or taxes and fees deposited in the transportation fund: Secretary of DOR may waive on case-by-case basis if failure to file is due to effects of 2020 public health emergency [Sec. 105 (14)] - Act 185
Petroleum inspection fee: deposit of revenues into transportation fund and petroleum inspection fund [Sec. 338m, 339m, 1799q, 9402 (1p)] - Act 9
Supplemental transportation aids to towns created, sunset provision [Sec. 182m, 1091m] [1091m -- partial veto] - Act 9
Supplemental transportation aids to towns modified - Act 69
Transportation facilities and major highway projects: Building Commission bonding authority increased [Sec. 1082] - Act 9
Transportation facilities economic assistance and development program (TEA) revision re jobs retained and created - Act 63
road _ markingRoad — Marking
Bills making honorary designation of a highway or bridge: standards established [vetoed] - AB249
Intelligent transportation systems and traffic control signals appropriations: sunset removed [Sec. 185-187] - Act 9
``Michael G. Ellis Memorial Interchange”: DOT to designate and mark interchange of I 41, USH 10, and STH 441 in Winnebago County as - Act 3