ATCP 93.400(3)(h)(h)
ATCP 93.400(3)(h)1.1. Secondary containment sumps provided under this subsection shall have non-discriminating electronic sensors that will detect liquids in the sump, unless approved otherwise by the department.
ATCP 93.400(3)(h)2.2. Piping that is installed or replaced on or after August 1, 2009, at secondary containment sumps provided under this subsection may not pass through the bottom of the sump.
ATCP 93.400(3)(h)3.3. All electrical conduit and wiring that is installed or replaced on or after August 1, 2009, at secondary containment sumps provided under this subsection for dispensers shall pass over the top of the sump wall rather than through the wall or bottom of the sump.
ATCP 93.400 NoteNote: This subsection recognizes dispenser pans, spray-on liners, brushed-on liners, formed-in-place containment products, and other effective secondary containment practices that are currently in use.
ATCP 93.400(4)(4)Leak detection for piping.
ATCP 93.400(4)(a)(a) All new and existing underground piping connected to an aboveground tank shall be provided with approved leak detection in accordance with s. ATCP 93.510 (4), except as specified in par. (c).
ATCP 93.400(4)(b)(b) Leak detection in accordance with par. (a) shall be installed immediately at the time of new installation or replacement of pipe.
ATCP 93.400(4)(c)(c)
ATCP 93.400(4)(c)1.1. Piping over 4 inches in diameter shall follow the plan and system requirements and deadlines in s. ATCP 93.517, except as specified in subd. 2. Leak detection for piping of 4 inches in diameter or less may be provided as specified in subd. 2. only if approved in writing by the department.
ATCP 93.400(4)(c)2.2. Leak detection for piping may consist of evaluations that are performed in accordance with API 570, by organizations that maintain or use an authorized inspection agency, a repair organization, and technically qualified piping engineers, inspectors and examiners, all as defined in API 570.
ATCP 93.400(5)(5)Installation.
ATCP 93.400(5)(a)(a)
ATCP 93.400(5)(a)1.1. The installation of shop-built tanks and associated piping shall be performed or supervised by a certified installer under s. ATCP 93.240 (16).
ATCP 93.400(5)(a)2.2. A certified installer shall verify that the installation of the electrical components for a tank system does not conflict with this chapter, except this verification is not required for the electrical criteria in ch. SPS 316.
ATCP 93.400(5)(b)(b)
ATCP 93.400(5)(b)1.1. All installation shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, the applicable national standards adopted in s. ATCP 93.200, and plans and specifications approved under s. ATCP 93.100 and this chapter.
ATCP 93.400(5)(b)2.2. All tank and pipe systems that are installed on or after November 1, 2019, including replacement systems, shall undergo all of the following before the tank and pipe systems are placed into service:
ATCP 93.400(5)(b)2.a.a. Pressure testing that shall assure that the tank, pipe, and all connections are tight in accordance with PEI RP200 sections 6.6 and 9.6 and chapter 14.
ATCP 93.400(5)(b)2.b.b. Pre-operational testing and inspection in accordance with PEI RP200 chapter 14.
ATCP 93.400(5)(c)(c) Single wall horizontal-cylindrical and rectangular aboveground storage tanks shall be installed to allow full visual inspection of the outer tank shell, except for any portion of the shell that is in contact with a support for it.
ATCP 93.400(5)(d)(d) The foundations for all types of tanks shall be designed to minimize the possibility of uneven settling and to minimize corrosion in any part of the tank resting on the foundation.
ATCP 93.400(5)(e)(e) Tank supports shall be placed on a prepared, flat, compacted surface.
ATCP 93.400(5)(em)(em) Vent piping shall meet the requirements of NFPA 30 Subchapter 27.8 except the termination height of normal vent piping for Class II and Class III liquids shall be a minimum of 4 feet above the ordinary snow line.
ATCP 93.400(5)(f)(f) Upon completion of any installation of new or replacement shop-built tanks or piping, or any modification or upgrade thereto that requires plan approval or registration, the certified installer shall provide the authorized agent or the department with a completed tank installation checklist, form TR-WM-120.
ATCP 93.400 NoteNote: Form TR-WM-120 - Checklist for Aboveground Storage Tank Installation is available from the Bureau of Weights and Measures, PO Box 8911, Madison, WI 53708-8911, or at telephone (608) 224-4942, or from the Bureau’s Web site at
ATCP 93.400(6)(6)Moving shop-built tanks. Aboveground shop-built tanks that are moved from one location to another shall meet all of the following requirements, except for tanks covered in s. ATCP 93.610:
ATCP 93.400(6)(a)(a) The tank shall meet all the plan review, installation, and registration requirements in this chapter for the new location.
ATCP 93.400(6)(b)(b) If the tank contained Class I liquids, it shall be rendered free of flammable vapors before the move and maintained vapor-free until placed into service at the new location.