Examining Board of Architects, Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, Designers, and Professional Land Surveyors required to promulgate rules re retired credential holder exemption from continuing education requirements but maintain professional title -
Act 94WRS annuitant returning to public service in a critical position during the 2020 public health emergency may elect to not suspend annuity, waiting period reduced [Sec. 4-12, 79] -
Act 185WRS annuity or lump sum payment: DETF to withhold money to satisfy restitution order, crimes specified -
Act 71DOR auditing activity re 2017 WisAct 59 extended [Sec. 9137 (1p)] [partial veto] -
Act 9Health insurance premiums for surviving spouse and dependent children of law enforcement officer, fire fighter, or EMS practitioner who dies in the line of duty: political subdivision, state, UW Board of Regents, and Marquette University required to pay, conditions set; report premiums to DOR for increase in county and municipal aid adjustments -
Act 19Interest and penalties due on general fund taxes or taxes and fees deposited in the transportation fund: Secretary of DOR may waive on case-by-case basis if failure to file is due to effects of 2020 public health emergency [Sec. 105 (14)] -
Act 185Marketplace providers required to collect and remit sales and use tax on behalf of marketplace sellers, definition provision; individual income tax rate reductions estimated for 2019 and subsequent taxable years; LAB, DOA and DOR duties; one-time reduction from total tax due provision -
Act 10Retailer’s sales tax liability: DOR may disclose to successor -
Act 15Tax increment value reporting error in 2018: property tax reimbursement provisions -
Act 37Video service provider fees reduced and municipal aid payment created, DOR duties [Sec. 289g, 778g, r, 1034g, 1073g] [1073g -- partial veto] -
Act 9WEDC tax credit reporting to DOR modified [Sec. 1878] -
Act 9Electric scooters: operation on highways allowed; conditions, definition, and equipment requirements provisions -
Act 11``Michael G. Ellis Memorial Interchange”: DOT to designate and mark interchange of I 41, USH 10, and STH 441 in Winnebago County as -
Act 3Wireless services and infrastructure provider regulatory framework for state and political subdivisions, right-of-way provisions; setback requirements by political subdivisions for mobile service support structures authorized; Rights-of-Way Study Committee created, study required -
Act 14Alternative project delivery in DOT: design-build projects pilot program authorized and office of innovative program delivery created, report required; emergency rules provision [Sec. 46m, 1079m, 1089m, 9144 (4p), (4q)] [1079m, 9144 (4p) -- partial veto; 46m, 1089m, 9144 (4q) -- vetoed] -
Act 9Highway construction: DOT to maintain list of subbase materials and associated thicknesses; bidders may base bids on equivalent subbase materials on the list; engineer of record may prohibit use [vetoed] -
AB273Highway project design inventory for design-build projects: DOT required to maintain; completed environmental assessment or impact statement provision -
Act 18