NR 204.06(2)(b)3.3. Arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, selenium and zinc. NR 204.06(2)(b)4.4. Fecal coliform, salmonella, enteric viruses and viable helminth ova. NR 204.06(2)(b)5.5. Selected phenolics, pesticides, toxic substances and persistent organics. NR 204.06(2)(b)7.7. Toxicity characteristics leaching procedure (TCLP) test if landfilling. NR 204.06(2)(b)9.9. Any other parameters which the department determines may be present in the sludge and which may result in detrimental effects to public health or the environment. NR 204.06(2)(c)1.1. The frequency of monitoring for parameters, other than those specified in subds. 2. and 3., shall be as specified by the department in the WPDES permit. NR 204.06(2)(c)2.2. Facilities with lagoon or other treatment systems which land apply sludge on an infrequent basis, such as every 10 to 20 years, shall sample their sludge once every 5 years, and analyze it for the metals listed in Table 1 of s. NR 204.07 (5) (a). This frequency may be increased by the department in the permit, and corrective measures such as industrial pretreatment may be required, if high metal concentrations are determined to be present, or potentially present, in the sludge. NR 204.06(2)(c)3.3. The frequency of monitoring for arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, zinc, pathogen or indicator organism densities, and vector attraction reduction requirements in sludge shall be based on the quantity of sludge land applied annually and determined by Table A. If sludge is landfilled under s. NR 204.08, the frequency of monitoring shall also be based on the quantity of sludge disposed of annually and determined by Table A: NR 204.06(2)(c)4.4. The amount of sludge per year which is actually land applied or landfilled shall determine the minimum monitoring frequency. If the applicable frequency of monitoring in subd. 3. is more than once per year, but land application is done only part of the year, the frequency of monitoring requirements may be reduced accordingly for nutrients, class B pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements on a case-by-case basis in the permit by the department. Determinations shall be based on the facilities treatment process, the time of year land application occurs and the frequency at which the sludge is applied. In all cases, the intent is to have a representative analysis of the sludge which is actually being used. In all cases, the monitoring frequency indicated in subd. 3. for metals shall be adhered to, except as modified by subd. 5. NR 204.06(2)(c)5.5. After 2 years of monitoring at the frequencies specified in subds. 3. and 4., the monitoring frequencies may be reduced at the permittee’s request and subject to department approval. NR 204.06(2)(d)(d) The following procedures shall be used unless otherwise specified in the permit: NR 204.06(2)(d)1.1. The sludge sample shall be collected at the point and in a manner which will yield sample results which are representative of the sludge being tested. NR 204.06(2)(d)2.2. The methods of analysis for substances contained in sludge shall be those established in ch. NR 219. NR 204.06(2)(d)3.3. The permittee shall submit actual lab reports along with the sludge characteristics report, and shall supply all information necessary for the department to evaluate the quality assurance and quality control procedures. NR 204.06(3)(3) Landfilling reports. The permittee shall report the volume of sludge disposed of at any landfill facility. The report shall include the name and address of the landfill, the department license number or other state’s designation or license number for all landfills used during the report period and a letter of acceptability from the landfill owner. In addition, any permittee utilizing landfills as a disposal method shall submit to the department any test results used to indicate acceptability of the sludge at a landfill. NR 204.06(4)(4) Bagged sludge and exceptional quality sludge reports. The permittee shall report the quantity of sludge sold or given away in a bag or other container by the permittee to either commercial or domestic users both in- state and out-of-state. A copy of the label or information sheet used in the sale or distribution of non-exceptional quality bagged sludge shall be included in the report. The permittee shall also report the quantity of exceptional quality sludge which is either given away or sold. NR 204.06(5)(5) Incineration reports. The permittee shall report the volume of sludge disposed of at any incinerator. The report shall include the name and address of the incinerator, and the department’s license or permit number for the incinerator or other state’s designation or license number for all incinerators used during the report period and a letter of acceptance from the incinerator owner. NR 204.06(6)(6) Land application site evaluation information report. The permittee shall submit sufficient information to allow the department to properly evaluate each land application site. This report shall be submitted whenever site approval is requested. Permittees may request permission from the department to review and approve their own land application sites. The request shall be made in writing and shall include information demonstrating that the permittee, or their agent, has competence in evaluating the necessary soil and site criteria. The department may, after review of the written submittal, give the permittee permission to review and approve land application sites. In these cases, all necessary forms shall be submitted to the department prior to the permittee using the land application site. Credentials for demonstration of competence to review sites shall include: the possession of a certified soil tester classification (CSTM or CSTS) from the department of industry, labor and human relations, a bachelor of science degree in soil science from a 4 year accredited college, or a certified professional soil scientist in good standing with the American society of agronomy. If a request is granted by the department, the request and approval shall be included in the land application site evaluation report. Land application site evaluation reports shall include: NR 204.06(6)(a)(a) The location of the site delineated on a soils map and plat map or USGS topographic map or aerial photo. NR 204.06 NoteNote: Plat maps are subject to copyright laws.
NR 204.06(6)(b)(b) The ownership of the site and a copy or description of any contracts or agreements covering the land application of sludge and other waste products at the land application site. NR 204.06(6)(c)(c) The results of analysis of representative soil samples taken from each site or field used for land application. Soil sampling and submittal of information to the testing laboratory shall be done in accordance with the University of Wisconsin-extension bulletin A-2100, dated April 1991, or soil sampling guidance approved by the department. UW-extension bulletin A-2100 contains a soil information sheet that shall be filled out and submitted with the soil sample to form the basis of the nutrient recommendations. UW-extension bulletin A-2100 is incorporated by reference for this chapter and hereinafter referred to as the soil information sheet. The samples shall be analyzed by a department approved testing laboratory using methods of analysis and nutrient recommendations for the intended crops to be grown that are consistent with University of Wisconsin recommendations. Parameters analyzed shall include soil pH, organic matter, total phosphorus, exchangeable potassium and any other parameters deemed necessary by the department. The soil test results shall include identification of soil type and fertilizer recommendations for the crops to be grown. Application rates shall be based on the recommendations provided by this soil analysis and the soil information sheet. A site or field may not be used for land application of sludge unless the soil on the site or field has been tested at least once in the 4 years prior to land application. NR 204.06 NoteNote: Copies of the University of Wisconsin extension bulletin A-2100 are available for inspection in the offices of the department of natural resources, secretary of state, and legislative reference bureau, Madison, Wisconsin, or may be purchased from the UW Soil and Plant Analysis Lab, 5711 Mineral Point Rd., Madison, WI 53705 or the Soil and Forage Analysis Lab, 8396 Yellowstone Dr., Marshfield, WI 54449.
NR 204.06(6)(d)(d) If sludge is intended to be applied to the site at a rate which would supply more than 30% of the nitrogen needs of the crop or vegetative cover to be grown, the permittee shall address the other sources of nitrogen through one of the following options: NR 204.06(6)(d)1.1. In years when a soil sample is being taken, the soil information sheet shall address the other nitrogen sources so that the information is reflected in the resultant soil analysis report. If the soils information sheet is used to account for other sources of nitrogen and other sources of nitrogen are not accurately reflected in the soils analysis report, the department may require the submission of the actual soils information sheet along with the soils analysis report.