Chapter NR 30
NR 30.01 Forest fire control areas, intensive. NR 30.02 Forest fire control areas - extensive. NR 30.03 Burning regulations, extensive forest fire control area. NR 30.04 Burning regulations, intensive fire control area. NR 30.05 Emergency burning restrictions. NR 30.06 Emergency use restrictions. NR 30.07 Travel on firelanes. NR 30.08 Electric fence controllers. Ch. NR 30 NoteNote: Chapter NR 30 as it existed on December 31, 1978 was repealed and a new chapter NR 30 was created effective January 1, 1979.
Ch. NR 30 NoteNote: Chapter NR 30 interprets s. 26.12, Stats. NR 30.01NR 30.01 Forest fire control areas, intensive. NR 30.01(1)(1) The following described lands which are located outside of the limits of incorporated cities and villages in the listed counties shall be and are established as parts of intensive forest fire control areas.