2021 - 2022 LEGISLATURE
July 1, 2021 - Introduced by Representatives Subeck,
S. Rodriguez, Milroy,
Brostoff, Hebl, Shelton, Pope, Conley, Baldeh, Hesselbein, Doyle, Goyke,
Neubauer, Vruwink, B. Meyers, Vining, Billings, McGuire, Anderson,
Shankland, Snodgrass, Considine, Spreitzer, Riemer, Cabrera, Stubbs,
Hintz, Drake, Sinicki, Hong, Ortiz-Velez, Emerson, L. Myers, Andraca,
Haywood, Moore Omokunde and Ohnstad, cosponsored by Senators Agard,
Carpenter, Bewley, Roys, Ringhand, Larson and Erpenbach. Referred to
Committee on Labor and Integrated Employment.
1An Act to repeal 111.04 (2);
to renumber and amend 111.02 (7) (a), 111.115
2(1) and 111.17;
to amend 40.02 (25) (b) 8., 40.05 (4) (b), 40.05 (5) (intro.), 40.05
3(5) (b) 4., 40.05 (6) (a), 40.62 (2), 111.02 (1), 111.02 (3), 111.02 (5), 111.04 (3) (a)
4(intro.), 111.05 (1), 111.05 (2), 111.05 (3), 111.05 (3m), 111.06 (1) (c), 111.06 (1)
5(d), 111.06 (1) (e), 111.06 (1) (i), 111.06 (2) (i), 111.115 (title), 233.03 (7) and
6233.10 (2) (intro.); and
to create 20.921 (1) (a) 2g., 111.02 (4m), 111.02 (7) (a)
72., 111.02 (9m), 111.02 (10m), 111.05 (5), 111.06 (1) (cm), 111.06 (1) (m), 111.075,
8111.115 (1) (a), 111.115 (2), 111.13, 111.17 (2), 233.04 (2e), 233.04 (2m) and
9233.04 (2s) of the statutes;
relating to: collective bargaining for employees of
10the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau