NR 440.216(1)(j)2.2. Provides a copy of the federally enforceable permit specified in the definition of cofired combustor in sub. (2). NR 440.216(1)(j)3.3. Keeps a record on a calendar quarter basis of the weight of municipal solid waste combusted at the cofired combustor and the weight of all other fuels combusted at the cofired combustor. NR 440.216(1)(k)(k) Air curtain incinerators, as defined under sub. (2), located at a plant that meet the capacity specifications in par. (a) and that combust a fuel stream composed of 100% yard waste are exempt from all provisions of this section except the opacity limit under sub. (10), the testing procedures under sub. (12) (a) 1. and the reporting and recordkeeping provisions under sub. (13) (e) and (i). NR 440.216(1)(L)(L) Air curtain incinerators located at plants that meet the capacity specifications in par. (a) combusting municipal solid waste other than yard waste are subject to all provisions of this section. NR 440.216(1)(m)(m) Pyrolysis or combustion units that are an integrated part of a plastics or rubber recycling unit, as defined in sub. (2), are not subject to this section if the owner or operator of the plastics or rubber recycling unit keeps records of the weight of plastics, rubber and rubber tires processed on a calendar quarter basis; the weight of chemical plant feedstocks and petroleum refinery feedstocks produced and marketed on a calendar quarter basis; and the name and address of the purchaser of the feedstocks. The combustion of gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, fuel oils, residual oil, refinery gas, petroleum coke, liquified petroleum gas, propane or butane produced by chemical plants or petroleum refineries that use feedstocks produced by plastics or rubber recycling units are not subject to this section. NR 440.216(1)(p)(p) Cement kilns firing municipal solid waste are not subject to this section. NR 440.216(2)(2) Definitions. As used in this section, all terms not defined in this subsection have the meanings given in s. NR 440.02 or, for terms not defined in s. NR 440.02, the meanings given in s. NR 400.02. In this section: NR 440.216(2)(a)(a) “Air curtain incinerator” means an incinerator that operates by forcefully projecting a curtain of air across an open chamber or pit in which burning occurs. Incinerators of this type can be constructed above or below ground and with or without refractory walls and floor. NR 440.216(2)(am)(am) “Batch municipal waste combustor” means a municipal waste combustor unit designed so that it cannot combust municipal solid waste continuously 24 hours per day because the design does not allow waste to be fed to the unit or ash to be removed while combustion is occurring. NR 440.216(2)(b)(b) “Bubbling fluidized bed combustor” means a fluidized bed combustor in which the majority of the bed material remains in a fluidized state in the primary combustion zone. NR 440.216(2)(bm)(bm) “Calendar quarter” means a consecutive 3-month period, nonoverlapping, beginning on January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1. NR 440.216(2)(c)(c) “Chief facility operator” means the person in direct charge and control of the operation of a municipal waste combustor and who is responsible for daily onsite supervision, technical direction, management and overall performance of the facility. NR 440.216(2)(d)(d) “Circulating fluidized bed combustor” means a fluidized bed combustor in which the majority of the fluidized bed material is carried out of the primary combustion zone and is transported back to the primary zone through a recirculation loop. NR 440.216(2)(dm)(dm) “Clean wood” means untreated wood or untreated wood products including clean untreated lumber, whole or chipped tree stumps and whole or chipped tree limbs. Clean wood does not include yard waste, construction, renovation and demolition wastes, including railroad ties and telephone poles, which are exempt from the definition of municipal solid waste. NR 440.216(2)(e)(e) “Cofired combustor” means a unit combusting municipal solid waste with nonmunicipal solid waste fuel, for example, coal or industrial process waste, and subject to a federally enforceable permit limiting the unit to combusting a fuel feed stream, 30% or less of the weight of which is comprised, in aggregate, of municipal solid waste as measured on a calendar quarter basis. NR 440.216(2)(em)(em) “Continuous emission monitoring system” means a monitoring system for continuously measuring the emissions of a pollutant from an affected facility. NR 440.216(2)(f)(f) “Dioxin/furan” means tetra- through octa- chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans. NR 440.216(2)(fm)(fm) “First calendar half” means the period starting on January 1 and ending on June 30 in any year. NR 440.216(2)(g)(g) “Four-hour block average” or “4-hour block average” means the average of all hourly emission concentrations when the affected facility is operating and combusting municipal solid waste measured over 4-hour periods of time from 12:00 midnight to 4 a.m., 4 a.m. to 8 a.m., 8 a.m. to 12:00 noon, 12:00 noon to 4 p.m., 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. and 8 p.m. to 12:00 midnight. NR 440.216(2)(gm)(gm) “Mass burn refractory municipal waste combustor” means a field-erected combustor that combusts municipal solid waste in a refractory wall furnace. Unless otherwise specified, this includes combustors with a cylindrical rotary refractory wall furnace. NR 440.216(2)(h)(h) “Mass burn rotary waterwall municipal waste combustor” means a field-erected combustor that combusts municipal solid waste in a cylindrical rotary waterwall furnace or on a tumbling-tile grate. NR 440.216(2)(hm)(hm) “Mass burn waterwall municipal waste combustor” means a field-erected combustor that combusts municipal solid waste in a waterwall furnace. NR 440.216(2)(i)(i) “Materials separation plan” means a plan that identifies both a goal and an approach to separate certain components of municipal solid waste for a given service area in order to make the separated materials available for recycling. A materials separation plan may include elements such as drop-off facilities, buy-back or deposit-return incentives, curbside pickup programs or centralized mechanical separation systems. A materials separation plan may include different goals or approaches for different subareas in the service area, and may include no materials separation activities for certain subareas or, if warranted, an entire service area. NR 440.216(2)(im)(im) “Maximum demonstrated municipal waste combustor unit load” means the highest 4-hour arithmetic average municipal waste combustor unit load achieved during 4 consecutive hours during the most recent dioxin/furan performance test demonstrating compliance with the applicable limit for municipal waste combustor organics specified under sub. (5). NR 440.216(2)(j)(j) “Maximum demonstrated particulate matter control device temperature” means the highest 4-hour arithmetic average flue gas temperature measured at the particulate matter control device inlet during 4 consecutive hours during the most recent dioxin/furan performance test demonstrating compliance with the applicable limit for municipal waste combustor organics specified under sub. (5). NR 440.216(2)(jm)(jm) “Modification” or “modified municipal waste combustor unit” means a municipal waste combustor unit to which changes have been made after June 19, 1996 if the cumulative cost of the changes, over the life of the unit, exceed 50% of the original cost of construction and installation of the unit, not including the cost of any land purchased in connection with the construction or installation, updated to current costs; or any physical change in the municipal waste combustor unit or change in the method of operation of the municipal waste combustor unit which increases the amount of any air pollutant emitted by the unit for which standards have been established under section 129 or section 111 of the Act (42 USC 7429 or 7411). Increases in the amount of any air pollutant emitted by the municipal waste combustor unit are determined at 100% physical load capability and downstream of all air pollution control devices, with no consideration given for load restrictions based on permits or other nonphysical operational restrictions. NR 440.216(2)(k)(k) “Modular excess-air municipal waste combustor” means a combustor that combusts municipal solid waste and that is not field-erected and has multiple combustion chambers, all of which are designed to operate at conditions with combustion air amounts in excess of theoretical air requirements. NR 440.216(2)(km)(km) “Modular starved-air municipal waste combustor” means a combustor that combusts municipal solid waste and that is not field-erected and has multiple combustion chambers in which the primary combustion chamber is designed to operate at substoichiometric conditions.