Economic development projects report s. 238.07 (1), Wis.Stats.
S 9, 553

Operation planning report per s. 239.07 (1), Wis.Stats.
A 447

Wisconsin Tomorrow : report per 2019 Wisconsin Act 185
S 856

Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission, see Employment Relations Commission, Wisconsin

Wisconsin Higher Educational Aids Board, see Higher Educational Aids Board, Wisconsin

Wisconsin Historical Society

Director’s report on burial sites preservation per s. 157.70 (2)(j), Wis.Stats.
A 61, 714; S 133, 756

Workforce Development, Department of

Biennial report per s. 15.04 (1)(d), Wis.Stats.
A 365; 475

Community integrated employment plan and report per 2017 WisAct 178
A 768; S 293

Hire Heroes Program report per s. 106.38 (8), Wis.Stats.
A 448; S 11, 554

Joint community integrated employment report per s. 47.05 (4)(b)1., Wis.Stats.
S 856

Plant closing report per s. 109.12 (2) and (3), Wis.Stats.


Barca, Peter: resigned effective 1/7/19. Represented 64th Assembly District. Appointed Secretary of DOR
A 5

Crowley, David C.: resigned effective June 18, 2020. Represented 17th Assembly District. Elected Milwaukee County Executive in April 7, 2020 election

Shilling, Jennifer: resigned effective May 15, 2020. Represented 32nd Senate District.

Taylor, Chris: resigned effective August 1, 2020. Represented 76th Assembly District. Appointed to the Dane County Circuit Court.

Tiffany, Tom: resigned effective May 18, 2020. Represented 12th Senate District. Elected to 7th Congressional District in May 12, 2020 special election.
S 844

Rules — Assembly

Assembly committee structure and names for the 2019-2020 legislative session established [Assembly rule 9 (1)] [AR2]



Assembly rule revised re order of testimony at public hearings [Assembly rule 14 (4)] [AR14]


Assembly rules revised and created re appearance at committee meeting by telephone or other means of telecommunication or electronic communication, time limits for debate for each proposal, dilatory motions, call of the Assembly, orders of business, withdrawing proposals from committee, motion to return a proposal to second reading state, determination of legislative day for purposes of referral of proposals to calendar, reconsideration of Assembly decisions on vetoes, and definition of Assembly chamber [Assembly rules 11 (4), (12), 13 (1)(c), 15 (2), 31 (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), (13), 32 (3m), 42 (3)(c), 43 (2), 55m (1), 65 (2)(i), 67, 69 (1), 73 (1)(a), (b), (3m), 73m, 83 (2m), 90 (4), 95 (6), 96] [AR12]



Assembly rules revised and created re determination of legislative day for purposes of referral of proposals to calendar, and reconsideration of Assembly decisions on vetoes [Assembly rules 42 (3)(c), 73 (1)(a), (b), (3m), 95 (6)] [AR13]