AB325,15,1412 (b) A security entitlement, as defined in s. 408.102 (1) (q), including a customer
13security account held by a registered broker-dealer, to the extent the financial assets
14held in the security account are not any of the following:
AB325,15,1615 1. Registered on the books of the issuer in the name of the person for which the
16broker-dealer holds the assets.
AB325,15,1717 2. Payable to the order of the person.
AB325,15,1818 3. Specifically endorsed to the person.
AB325,15,2019 (c) An equity interest in a business association that is not a security under par.
20(a) or a security entitlement under par. (b).
AB325,42 21Section 42. 177.01 (13j) of the statutes is created to read:
AB325,15,2322 177.01 (13j) “Sign” means any of the following done with the intent to
23authenticate or adopt a record:
AB325,15,2424 (a) To execute or adopt a tangible symbol.
1(b) To attach to or logically associate with the record an electronic symbol,
2sound, or process.
AB325,43 3Section 43. 177.01 (14d) of the statutes is created to read:
AB325,16,74 177.01 (14d) (a) “Stored-value card” means a record evidencing a promise for
5consideration by the seller or issuer of the record that merchandise, goods, services,
6or money will be provided to the owner of the record equal to the value or amount
7shown in the record, if all of the following apply:
AB325,16,88 1. The value or amount does not expire.
AB325,16,109 2. The value or amount may be decreased only by redemption for merchandise,
10goods, services, or money.
AB325,16,1211 3. The value or amount may be redeemed for or converted into money or
12otherwise monetized by the issuer.
AB325,16,1313 (b) “Stored-value card” includes the following:
AB325,16,1714 1. A record that contains or consists of a microprocessor chip, magnetic strip,
15or other means for the storage of information, that is prefunded and the value or
16amount of which is decreased on each use and increased by payment of additional
AB325,16,19182. A prepaid commercial mobile radio service, as defined in 47 CFR 20.3, as
AB325,16,2020 (c) “Stored-value card” does not include the following:
AB325,16,2121 1. A payroll card.
AB325,16,2222 2. A loyalty card.
AB325,16,2323 3. A gift card.
AB325,16,2424 4. Game-related digital content.
AB325,44 25Section 44. 177.01 (15) of the statutes is amended to read:
1177.01 (15) “Utility" means a person who that owns or operates for public use
2any plant, equipment, real property, franchise , or license for the transmission of
3communications or; the production, storage, transmission, sale, delivery, or
4furnishing of electricity, water, steam, or gas ; the provision of sewage or septic
5services; or the disposal or recycling of trash or garbage
AB325,45 6Section 45. 177.01 (16) of the statutes is created to read:
AB325,17,97 177.01 (16) “Virtual currency” means a digital representation of value used as
8a medium of exchange, unit of account, or store of value that does not have legal
9tender status recognized by the United States. “Virtual currency" does not include:
AB325,17,1110 (a) The software or protocols governing the transfer of the digital
11representation of value.
AB325,17,1212 (b) Game-related digital content.
AB325,17,1313 (c) A loyalty card.