AB68-ASA2-AA1,13,11 751.73 Grants to prevent suicide by firearm. (1) From the appropriation
8under s. 20.435 (5) (ef), the department shall award grants to organizations or
9coalitions of organizations, which may include a city, village, town, county, or
10federally recognized American Indian tribe or band in this state for any of the
11following purposes:
AB68-ASA2-AA1,13,1312 (a) To train staff at a firearm retailer or firearm range on how to recognize a
13person who may be considering suicide.
AB68-ASA2-AA1,13,1514 (b) To provide suicide prevention materials for distribution at a firearm retailer
15or firearm range.
AB68-ASA2-AA1,13,1616 (c) To provide voluntary, temporary firearm storage.
AB68-ASA2-AA1,13,19 17(2) The department may not award a grant under sub. (1) unless the recipient
18contributes matching funds or in-kind services having a value equal to at least 20
19percent of the grant.
AB68-ASA2-AA1,14,2 20(3) The department may not award a grant to a recipient under sub. (1) for an
21amount that exceeds $5,000. The department may not award a grant under sub. (1)
22having a duration of more than one year and may not automatically renew a grant
23awarded under sub. (1). This subsection shall not be construed to prevent an
24organization or coalition of organizations from reapplying for a grant in consecutive
25years. In awarding grants under sub. (1), the department shall give preference to

1organizations or coalitions of organizations that have not previously received a grant
2under this section.”.
AB68-ASA2-AA1,14,3 334. Page 330, line 15: after that line insert:
AB68-ASA2-AA1,14,4 4 Section 323h. 85.0215 of the statutes is created to read:
AB68-ASA2-AA1,14,5 585.0215 Local supplement. (1) In this section:
AB68-ASA2-AA1,14,76 (a) “Eligible applicant” means a city, village, town, or county or a combination
7of these or an eligible entity, as defined under 23 USC 133 (h) (4) (B).
AB68-ASA2-AA1,14,98 (b) “Eligible project” means a project eligible for funding under s. 84.12, 84.16,
984.18, or 86.31 (3) or (3t) or 23 USC 133 (h) (3).
AB68-ASA2-AA1,14,13 10(2) Funds provided under s. 20.395 (2) (fc) shall be distributed under this
11section as discretionary grants to reimburse eligible applicants for eligible projects.
12The department shall solicit and provide discretionary grants under this section
13until all funds appropriated under s. 20.395 (2) (fc) have been expended.” .
AB68-ASA2-AA1,14,14 1435. Page 335, line 15: after that line insert:
AB68-ASA2-AA1,14,15 15 Section 341h. 115.28 (66) of the statutes is created to read:
AB68-ASA2-AA1,14,1916 115.28 (66) The Literacy Lab. Annually distribute the amounts appropriated
17under s. 20.255 (3) (fs) to The Literacy Lab, a Virginia nonstock corporation, to
18provide evidence-based literacy interventions to pupils in prekindergarten to 3rd
19grade in this state.”.
AB68-ASA2-AA1,14,20 2036. Page 340, line 9: after that line insert:
AB68-ASA2-AA1,14,22 21 Section 362g. Subchapter III of chapter 153 [precedes 153.85] of the statutes
22is created to read:
AB68-ASA2-AA1,14,2323 Chapter 153
AB68-ASA2-AA1,14,2424 Subchapter III
1Opioid and
AB68-ASA2-AA1,15,5 3153.85 Definition; opioid and methamphetamine data. In this
4subchapter, “vendor” means a person awarded the contract following a request for
5proposals described under s. 153.87.
AB68-ASA2-AA1,15,10 6153.87 Opioid and methamphetamine data system. (1) Subject to sub.
7(3), the department of administration shall issue a request for proposals to establish
8and maintain an opioid and methamphetamine data system to collect, format,
9analyze, and disseminate information on opioid and methamphetamine use, which
10shall include all of the following:
AB68-ASA2-AA1,15,1211 (a) Hospital discharge data from visits and stays related to opioid use or
AB68-ASA2-AA1,15,1413 (b) Hospital discharge data from visits and stays related to methamphetamine
14use or overdose.
AB68-ASA2-AA1,15,1515 (c) Ambulance service run data related to opioid use or overdose.
AB68-ASA2-AA1,15,1816 (d) The number of opioid-related overdoses in the state, the number of
17individuals who overdose on opioids, and the opioids on which the individuals
AB68-ASA2-AA1,15,2119 (e) The number of methamphetamine-related overdoses in the state, the
20number of individuals who overdose on methamphetamines, and the forms of
21methamphetamines on which the individuals overdose.
AB68-ASA2-AA1,15,2222 (f) Death records related to opioid use or overdose.
AB68-ASA2-AA1,15,2323 (g) Death records related to methamphetamine use or overdose.