SB159,17,2222 12. Security procedures.
SB159,21 23Section 21. 7.08 (13) of the statutes is created to read:
SB159,18,224 7.08 (13) Remedies for deceptive election practices. Disseminate through
25the Internet and radio, television, and newspaper advertisements information

1concerning complaint procedures and remedies for deceptive election practices
2under s. 12.17.
SB159,22 3Section 22. 7.08 (14) of the statutes is created to read:
SB159,18,94 7.08 (14) Withhold personal information provided to commission. Withhold
5from public inspection under s. 19.35 (1) the telephone number and electronic mail
6address of any elector who voluntarily provides that information to the commission
7or to a county or municipal clerk. The commission may transfer the information to
8any official or employee who has access to the information in the registration list
9under s. 6.36 (1) (b) 1. a. to be used for the administration of elections.
SB159,23 10Section 23. 7.10 (11) of the statutes is created to read:
SB159,18,1611 7.10 (11) Withhold personal information provided to clerk. The county clerk
12shall withhold from public inspection under s. 19.35 (1) the telephone number and
13electronic mail address of any elector who voluntarily provides that information to
14the clerk or to the commission or a municipal clerk. The county clerk may transfer
15the information to any official or employee who has access to the information in the
16registration list under s. 6.36 (1) (b) 1. a. to be used for the administration of elections.
SB159,24 17Section 24. 7.15 (16) of the statutes is created to read:
SB159,18,2318 7.15 (16) Withhold personal information provided to clerk. The municipal
19clerk shall withhold from public inspection under s. 19.35 (1) the telephone number
20and electronic mail address of any elector who voluntarily provides that information
21to the clerk or to the commission or a county clerk. The municipal clerk may transfer
22the information to any official or employee who has access to the information in the
23registration list under s. 6.36 (1) (b) 1. a. to be used for the administration of elections.
SB159,25 24Section 25. 12.09 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
112.09 (1) No person may personally or through an agent make use of or
2threaten to make use of force, violence, or restraint , or any tactic of coercion or
in order to induce or compel any person to vote or refrain from voting
4or to refrain from registering to vote at an election.
SB159,26 5Section 26. 12.09 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB159,19,106 12.09 (3) No person may personally or through an agent, by make use of or
7threaten to make use of force, violence, restraint, or
any act tactic of coercion or
8intimidation in order to
compel, induce, or prevail upon an elector either to vote or
9refrain from voting at any election for or against a particular candidate or question
10at a
SB159,27 11Section 27 . 12.17 of the statutes is created to read:
SB159,19,13 1212.17 Deceptive election practices. (1) In this section, “election-related
13information" means information concerning any of the following:
SB159,19,1414 (a) The date, time, place, or manner of conducting an election.
SB159,19,1715 (b) The qualifications for or restrictions on the eligibility of electors voting at
16an election, including any criminal penalties associated with voting in an election or
17a voter's registration status or eligibility.
SB159,19,1818 (c) The explicit endorsement by any person of a candidate at an election.
SB159,19,21 19(2) No person, whether acting under color of law or otherwise, may
20intentionally induce another person to refrain from registering or voting at an
21election by knowingly providing that person with false election-related information.
SB159,19,24 22(3) Any person who is aggrieved by an alleged violation of sub. (2) may bring
23an action for injunctive relief in circuit court for the county where the violation is
24alleged to occur.
1(4) Any person may file a verified complaint with the commission alleging facts
2that the person believes to constitute a violation of sub. (2). The complaint shall be
3filed under s. 5.05 (2m) (c).
SB159,20,12 4(5) (a) Notwithstanding s. 5.05 (2m) (c), the commission shall promptly review
5each complaint received under sub. (4), and if the commission finds that the facts
6alleged in the complaint, if true, would constitute a violation of sub. (2), the
7commission shall promptly investigate the complaint. Notwithstanding s. 5.05 (2m)
8(c) 11., if the commission finds that a violation of sub. (2) has occurred or is occurring,
9the commission shall take all measures necessary to provide correct information to
10electors who may have been deceived by the actions of the alleged violator, and shall
11refer the matter to the appropriate authority for prosecution in accordance with ss.
125.05 (2m) (i) and 12.60 (4).
SB159,20,1413 (b) The commission shall promulgate rules concerning the methods and means
14of providing corrective information to electors under par. (a).
SB159,20,21 15(6) (a) No later than 90 days after each each general election, the commission
16shall report to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature for referral to the
17appropriate standing committees under s. 13.172 (2) concerning any complaints
18under sub. (4) that were acted upon or referred by the commission under sub. (5)
19during the period beginning with the date of the 2nd preceding general election and
20ending with the preceding general election. Except as provided in par. (b), the report
21shall include all of the following:
SB159,20,2322 1. A description of the alleged deceptive election practices that were the subject
23of each complaint.
SB159,20,2524 2. Any corrective measures taken by the commission with regard to the subject
25matter of each complaint.
13. The commission's evaluation of the effectiveness of those corrective
SB159,21,43 4. The status of any prosecution relating to the subject matter of each
SB159,21,65 5. A compilation of the number and types of allegations made that were acted
6upon or referred by the commission under sub. (5).