NR 204.05(2)(2)Sludge mixtures and treatment.
NR 204.05(2)(a)(a) If a treatment works sends its sludge to another treatment or storage facility for final treatment prior to land application, and at that facility, the sludge is mixed with other materials such as, but not limited to another municipal sludge, industrial sludge, animal manure or septage, or if the characteristics of the sludge are altered in any other manner, the owner of the receiving facility shall apply for a separate WPDES permit and shall assume primary responsibility for compliance with this chapter.
NR 204.05 NoteNote: In this situation, both the treatment works that generates sludge and the facility that alters the characteristics of the sludge for final use or disposal must apply for a permit. The terms in each permit that relate to sludge will not duplicate each other but rather, will complement each other to comply with this chapter.
NR 204.05(2)(b)(b) If the receiving facility is a farmer’s manure tank or lagoon and mixing of sludge and manure occurs in storage, that mixture shall comply with all requirements of this chapter. If the treatment works which originally generated the sludge, remains responsible for certifying that the mixture complies with the provisions of this chapter, the treatment works shall remain the sole permittee and retain full responsibility for compliance with their permit and this chapter.
NR 204.05(3)(3)Land appliers. If the owner or operator of a treatment works hires another person to land apply sludge, the land applier, as well as the treatment works, is responsible for compliance with applicable sections of this chapter. The treatment works is required to obtain a permit. However, the land applier does not need to obtain a WPDES permit unless the land applier is required to do so under sub. (1), (2) or (4). If a land applier simply treats the sludge to meet the pathogen or vector attraction reduction requirements of this chapter for a single sludge generator, but does not alter or treat the sludge in any other manner, the land applier does not have to obtain a WPDES permit.
NR 204.05(4)(4)Imported sludge. In the event non-exceptional quality bulk sludge which is generated outside the state of Wisconsin is imported into the state, the person responsible for importing the sludge shall have a WPDES permit for the land application or the beneficial use of the imported sludge as specified in s. NR 204.09. A permit is not required for imported sludge if it is being landfilled or incinerated. In the case of landfilling or incinerating, the person who imports the sludge shall notify and receive approval from the department prior to landfilling or incinerating the sludge. Approval will be based on contracts with licensed landfills or permitted incinerators.
NR 204.05 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, December, 1995, No. 480, eff. 1-1-96.
NR 204.06NR 204.06Reporting and monitoring requirements. The following reports shall be submitted to the department, by the permittee, annually by January 31, unless otherwise stated in this section or as specified in the permit. All records of required analyses and management practices specified in this chapter or the WPDES permit shall be retained for a minimum of 5 years. The department may modify the reporting requirements in the permit, based on size and complexity of the permittee’s land application program, changes in the quantity or quality of industrial contributions to the treatment facility or when deemed necessary to ensure compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
NR 204.06(1)(1)General information report. The permittee shall submit a general information report to the department pursuant to the permit or anytime there are significant changes in the sludge management program, including changes which alter the sludge characteristics or alter disposal or recycling methods. The report shall address the following:
NR 204.06(1)(a)(a) The sources, processes and treatment systems at the treatment facility from which the sludge originates.
NR 204.06(1)(b)(b) Sludge treatment or processing techniques used prior to recycling or disposal.
NR 204.06(1)(c)(c) The mode of sludge transportation, including the name and telephone number of the transporter of the sludge, the type of vehicle used for sludge transportation and, when applicable, the methods used to apply the sludge to the site or field.
NR 204.06(1)(d)(d) The quantity of sludge that is generated and the quantity of sludge that is recycled or disposed of on a monthly and yearly basis.
NR 204.06(1)(e)(e) The available capacity of sludge storage, expressed as the number of days worth of sludge generation that can be stored.
NR 204.06(1)(f)(f) Whether the sludge is given away or sold in bulk, bag or other container.
NR 204.06(2)(2)Characteristics report.
NR 204.06(2)(a)(a) The permittee shall report the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the sludge or finished sludge product. If a permittee generates more than one type of sludge, each sludge type shall be sampled and analyzed in accordance with the WPDES permit.
NR 204.06(2)(b)(b) A representative sample of the sludge shall be analyzed by the permittee as specified in the permit, for any or all of the following parameters, depending on the treatment facility size, processes used for treatment, methods of beneficial use or disposal, and characteristics of industrial discharges to the treatment facility:
NR 204.06(2)(b)1.1. Characteristics such as the percentage of total solids, volatile solids, pH and specific oxygen uptake rate (SOUR).
NR 204.06(2)(b)2.2. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
NR 204.06(2)(b)3.3. Arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, selenium and zinc.
NR 204.06(2)(b)4.4. Fecal coliform, salmonella, enteric viruses and viable helminth ova.
NR 204.06(2)(b)5.5. Selected phenolics, pesticides, toxic substances and persistent organics.
NR 204.06(2)(b)6.6. Priority pollutant scan.
NR 204.06(2)(b)7.7. Toxicity characteristics leaching procedure (TCLP) test if landfilling.
NR 204.06(2)(b)8.8. Paint filter test if landfilling.
NR 204.06(2)(b)9.9. Any other parameters which the department determines may be present in the sludge and which may result in detrimental effects to public health or the environment.
NR 204.06(2)(c)(c)
NR 204.06(2)(c)1.1. The frequency of monitoring for parameters, other than those specified in subds. 2. and 3., shall be as specified by the department in the WPDES permit.