Referrals and Receipt of Committee Reports Concerning Proposed Administrative Rules
Relating to commercial and member business loans.
hist108325Resubmitted by Agency with germane modifications attached, pursuant to s. 227.19 (4)(b)4, Wisconsin Statutes, October 21, 2019. hist108973Referred to the committee on Agriculture, Revenue and Financial Institutions, October 31, 2019. Relating to the provision of complementary, alternative, and integrative therapies, and affecting small business.
Submitted by the Department of Veterinary Examining Board.
hist108561Report received from Agency, October 24, 2019. hist108972Referred to the committee on Agriculture, Revenue and Financial Institutions, October 31, 2019. Relating to custody and control of ch. 980, Stats., patients. Submitted by the Department of Health Services.
hist108384Report received from Agency, October 22, 2019. hist108971Referred to the committee on Judiciary and Public Safety, October 31, 2019. Relating to fees associated with Wisconsin's Uniform Partnership Act, ch. 178, Stats. Submitted by the Department of Financial Institutions.
hist108586Report received from Agency, October 24, 2019. hist108970Referred to the committee on Agriculture, Revenue and Financial Institutions, October 31, 2019. Relating to uniform disciplinary procedures for the department and all affiliated credentialing boards.
Submitted by the Department of Safety and Professional Services.
hist108429Report received from Agency, October 23, 2019. hist108969Referred to the committee on Public Benefits, Licensing and State-Federal Relations, October 31, 2019. _____________
The joint committee for review of Administrative Rules reported and recommended:
Relating to uniform fee system.