(3) (c) An application under par. (a) 1. may be made and a registration form
7under par. (a) 2. may be filed in person at the office of the municipal clerk not earlier
8than 7 days before an election and not later than 5 p.m. on the day of the election.
9A list of hospitalized electors applying for ballots under par. (a) 1. shall be made by
10the municipal clerk and used to check that the electors vote only once, and by
11absentee ballot.
If Except as provided in s. 6.34 (2m), if the elector is registering for
12the election after the close of registration or if the elector registered by mail and has
13not voted in an election in this state, the municipal clerk shall inform the agent that
14proof of residence under s. 6.34 is required and the elector shall enclose proof of
15residence under s. 6.34 in the envelope with the ballot. The clerk shall verify that
16the name on any required proof of identification presented by the agent conforms to
17the name on the elector's application. The clerk shall then enter his or her initials
18on the carrier envelope indicating that the agent presented proof of identification to
19the clerk. The agent is not required to enter a signature on the registration list. The
20ballot shall be sealed by the elector and returned to the municipal clerk either by mail
21or by personal delivery of the agent; but if the ballot is returned on the day of the
22election, the agent shall make personal delivery to the polling place serving the
23hospitalized elector's residence before the closing hour or, in municipalities where
24absentee ballots are canvassed under s. 7.52, to the municipal clerk no later than 8
25p.m. on election day.
(3) (d) Be written in clear, unambiguous language.
(e) Be indexed by subject.
(f) Contain specific examples of common problems encountered at polling
5places on election day and detailed, specific procedures for resolving those problems.
(g) Include an explanation of all of the following:
1. Laws and rules governing solicitation by individuals and groups at a polling
2. Procedures to be followed with respect to electors whose names do not appear
10on the registration list under s. 6.36 (1) (a).
3. Procedures to be followed with respect to electors attempting to vote on
12election day who have cast an absentee ballot in the election.
4. Procedures for assisting voters who need help due to language barriers or
5. Proper operation of any electronic voting system used at a polling place.
6. Procedures for handling ballots.
7. Procedures governing spoiled ballots.
8. Procedures to be followed after a polling place closes.
9. Rights of electors at the polls.
10. Procedures for handling emergency situations.
11. Procedures for handling and processing provisional ballots.
(13) Remedies for deceptive election practices. Disseminate through
25the Internet and radio, television, and newspaper advertisements information
1concerning complaint procedures and remedies for deceptive election practices
2under s. 12.17.
(14) Withhold personal information provided to commission. Withhold
5from public inspection under s. 19.35 (1) the telephone number and electronic mail
6address of any elector who voluntarily provides that information to the commission
7or to a county or municipal clerk. The commission may transfer the information to
8any official or employee who has access to the information in the registration list
9under s. 6.36 (1) (b) 1. a. to be used for the administration of elections.
(11) Withhold personal information provided to clerk. The county clerk
12shall withhold from public inspection under s. 19.35 (1) the telephone number and
13electronic mail address of any elector who voluntarily provides that information to
14the clerk or to the commission or a municipal clerk. The county clerk may transfer
15the information to any official or employee who has access to the information in the
16registration list under s. 6.36 (1) (b) 1. a. to be used for the administration of elections.
(16) Withhold personal information provided to clerk. The municipal
19clerk shall withhold from public inspection under s. 19.35 (1) the telephone number
20and electronic mail address of any elector who voluntarily provides that information
21to the clerk or to the commission or a county clerk. The municipal clerk may transfer
22the information to any official or employee who has access to the information in the
23registration list under s. 6.36 (1) (b) 1. a. to be used for the administration of elections.
(1) No person may personally or through an agent make use of or
2threaten to make use of force, violence,
or restraint
, or any tactic of coercion or
3intimidation in order to induce or compel any person to vote or refrain from voting
4or to refrain from registering to vote at an election.