appropriationAppropriation, see also specific agency or department
Appropriation schedule repealed and recreated; general effective dates [Sec. 19-21, 9400] [19-21 -- partial veto] - Act 58
Budget stabilization fund transfer from general fund for 2021-23 fiscal biennium [Sec. 16] [partial veto] - Act 58
Budget stabilization fund transfer from general fund [Sec. 9201 (1)] [vetoed] - Act 58
DMA lapse to general fund [Sec. 9231 (1)] [vetoed] - Act 58
DNR: lapsing certain appropriations to the general fund [Sec. 9232 (1)-(3)] [vetoed] - Act 58
DOA lapse to general fund [Sec. 9201 (2)] [vetoed] - Act 58
DOR required to maintain a website displaying information re GPR collection and purposes for which it was spent, DOA duties - Act 66
Healthy eating incentive pilot program lapse to general fund [Sec. 9219 (1)] [vetoed] - Act 58
JCF may transfer moneys from sum sufficient appropriations until conclusion of national emergency or June 30, 2021, whichever is earlier [vetoed] - AB1
MA trust fund: transfer from general fund [Sec. 9219 (2)] - Act 58
Required general fund structural balance: does not apply to the actions of the legislature enacting legislation during 2021-2022 session [Sec. 9128 (1)] - Act 58
Unemployment reserve fund: transfers from the general fund [Sec. 9250 (1)] - Act 58
aquatic plant or weedAquatic plant or weed, see Weeds
Architects and engineers: selection by committee for state projects modified [vetoed] - AB643
armed forcesArmed forces, see Military personnel; National Guard
assaultAssault, see Sex crimes
assembly districtAssembly district, see Redistricting
assembly unlawfulAssembly, Unlawful
Riot definition modified and penalties for intentionally attending or inciting and causing bodily harm to or expelling a bodily substance at a National Guard member [vetoed] - SB296
assessment or assessorAssessment or assessor, see Property tax — Assessment
assisted living facilityAssisted living facility, see Nursing homes and adult care
associationsAssociations, see Housing
athletic trainers affiliated credentialing boardAthletic Trainers Affiliated Credentialing Board, see Athletics
Athletic trainer requirement to have a consulting physician repealed - Act 71
Sudden cardiac arrest during youth athletic activities: DPI to develop information, in consultation with WIAA and pediatric cardiologists, and distribute to participants in private or public school or private club activities; sunset provision - Act 210