appropriationAppropriation, see also specific agency or department
Appropriation schedule repealed and recreated; general effective dates [Sec. 19-21, 9400] [19-21 -- partial veto] -
Act 58Budget stabilization fund transfer from general fund for 2021-23 fiscal biennium [Sec. 16] [partial veto] -
Act 58Budget stabilization fund transfer from general fund [Sec. 9201 (1)] [vetoed] -
Act 58DMA lapse to general fund [Sec. 9231 (1)] [vetoed] -
Act 58DNR: lapsing certain appropriations to the general fund [Sec. 9232 (1)-(3)] [vetoed] -
Act 58DOA lapse to general fund [Sec. 9201 (2)] [vetoed] -
Act 58DOR required to maintain a website displaying information re GPR collection and purposes for which it was spent, DOA duties -
Act 66Healthy eating incentive pilot program lapse to general fund [Sec. 9219 (1)] [vetoed] -
Act 58JCF may transfer moneys from sum sufficient appropriations until conclusion of national emergency or June 30, 2021, whichever is earlier [vetoed] -
AB1MA trust fund: transfer from general fund [Sec. 9219 (2)] -
Act 58Required general fund structural balance: does not apply to the actions of the legislature enacting legislation during 2021-2022 session [Sec. 9128 (1)] -
Act 58Unemployment reserve fund: transfers from the general fund [Sec. 9250 (1)] -
Act 58Architects and engineers: selection by committee for state projects modified [vetoed] -
AB643Riot definition modified and penalties for intentionally attending or inciting and causing bodily harm to or expelling a bodily substance at a National Guard member [vetoed] -
SB296Athletic trainer requirement to have a consulting physician repealed -
Act 71Sudden cardiac arrest during youth athletic activities: DPI to develop information, in consultation with WIAA and pediatric cardiologists, and distribute to participants in private or public school or private club activities; sunset provision -
Act 210