SB736,17,1312 (m) “Remote state” means a member state in which an individual is not
SB736,17,1514 (n) “Restricted” means the outcome of an adverse action that limits a license
15or the privilege to practice.
SB736,17,2116 (o) “Rule” means a written statement by the interstate commission
17promulgated pursuant to sub. (12) that is of general applicability; implements,
18interprets, or prescribes a policy or provision of the compact; or is an organizational,
19procedural, or practice requirement of the commission and has the force and effect
20of statutory law in a member state and includes the amendment, repeal, or
21suspension of an existing rule.
SB736,17,2522 (p) “Scope of practice” means defined parameters of various duties or services
23that may be provided by an individual with specific credentials. Whether regulated
24by rule, statute, or court decision, it tends to represent the limits of services an
25individual may perform.
1(q) “Significant investigatory information” means any of the following:
SB736,18,52 1. Investigative information that a state EMS authority, after a preliminary
3inquiry that includes notification and an opportunity to respond if required by state
4law, has reason to believe, if proven true, would result in the imposition of an adverse
5action on a license or privilege to practice.
SB736,18,86 2. Investigative information that indicates that the individual represents an
7immediate threat to public health and safety regardless of whether the individual
8has been notified and had an opportunity to respond.
SB736,18,109 (r) “State” means any state, commonwealth, district, or territory of the United
SB736,18,1211 (s) “State EMS authority” means the board, office, or other agency with the
12legislative mandate to license emergency medical services personnel.
SB736,18,14 13(3) Home state licensure. (a) Any member state in which an individual holds
14a current license shall be deemed a home state for purposes of this compact.
SB736,18,1715 (b) Any member state may require an individual to obtain and retain a license
16to be authorized to practice in the member state under circumstances not authorized
17by the privilege to practice under the terms of this compact.
SB736,18,1918 (c) A home state's license authorizes an individual to practice in a remote state
19under the privilege to practice only if the home state does all of the following:
SB736,18,2220 1. Currently requires the use of the National Registry of Emergency Medical
21Technicians examination as a condition of issuing initial licenses at the EMT and
22paramedic levels.
SB736,18,2423 2. Has a mechanism in place for receiving and investigating complaints about
13. Notifies the commission, in compliance with the terms herein, of any adverse
2action or significant investigatory information regarding an individual.
SB736,19,83 4. No later than 5 years after activation of the compact, requires a criminal
4background check of all applicants for initial licensure, including the use of the
5results of fingerprint or other biometric data checks compliant with the
6requirements of the federal bureau of investigation with the exception of federal
7employees who have suitability determination in accordance with 5 CFR 731.202
8and submit documentation of such as promulgated in the rules of the commission.
SB736,19,99 5. Complies with the rules of the commission.
SB736,19,12 10(4) Compact privilege to practice. (a) Member states shall recognize the
11privilege to practice of an individual licensed in another member state that is in
12conformance with sub. (3).
SB736,19,1413 (b) To exercise the privilege to practice under the terms and provisions of this
14compact, an individual must satisfy all of the following requirements:
SB736,19,1515 1. Be at least 18 years of age.
SB736,19,1816 2. Possess a current unrestricted license in a member state as an EMT, AEMT,
17paramedic, or state recognized and licensed level with a scope of practice and
18authority between EMT and paramedic.
SB736,19,1919 3. Practice under the supervision of a medical director.
SB736,19,2320 (c) An individual providing patient care in a remote state under the privilege
21to practice shall function within the scope of practice authorized by the home state
22unless and until modified by an appropriate authority in the remote state as may be
23defined in the rules of the commission.
SB736,20,424 (d) Except as provided in par. (c), an individual practicing in a remote state will
25be subject to the remote state's authority and laws. A remote state may, in

1accordance with due process and that state's laws, restrict, suspend, or revoke an
2individual's privilege to practice in the remote state and may take any other
3necessary actions to protect the health and safety of its citizens. If a remote state
4takes action, it shall promptly notify the home state and the commission.
SB736,20,75 (e) If an individual's license in any home state is restricted or suspended, the
6individual shall not be eligible to practice in a remote state under the privilege to
7practice until the individual's home state license is restored.
SB736,20,108 (f) If an individual's privilege to practice in any remote state is restricted,
9suspended, or revoked, the individual shall not be eligible to practice in any remote
10state until the individual's privilege to practice is restored.
SB736,20,15 11(5) Conditions of practice in a remote state. An individual may practice in
12a remote state under a privilege to practice only in the performance of the
13individual's emergency medical services duties as assigned by an appropriate
14authority, as defined in the rules of the commission, and under all of the following
SB736,20,1716 (a) The individual originates in the home state and transports the patient to
17a remote state.
SB736,20,1918 (b) The individual originates in the home state and enters a remote state to pick
19up a patient and provide care and transport of the patient to the home state.