AB732,23,7 21(4) Ascertainment of intent. If a ballot does not clearly show which candidate
22the voter prefers to all others, or if it contains any word, mark, or other sign
23apparently intended to identify the voter, it shall be set aside as invalid. Every ballot
24not held invalid under this subsection shall be counted according to the intent of the
25voter, so far as that can be clearly ascertained, whether marked according to the

1directions printed on it or not. No ballot shall be held invalid because the names of
2candidates on the ballot for whom the voter did not mark a choice have been stricken
3out, unless such striking out constitutes an identifying mark. A single mark on a
4ballot on which no first choice figure appears shall be considered equivalent to a first
5choice preference. If a ballot contains both figures and marks, the order of the choice
6shown by the figures shall be taken as the voter's intention in so far as the order is
7clearly indicated.
AB732,23,11 8(5) Skipped rankings, overvotes, and undervotes. (a) Ballots skipping one
9ranking shall be counted for that voter's next clearly indicated choice. Ballots with
102 or more rankings skipped consecutively shall be declared exhausted after all
11candidates ranked prior to the consecutively skipped rankings have been eliminated.
AB732,23,1412 (b) Ballots with 2 or more of the same number shall be declared exhausted when
13such duplicate rankings are reached unless only one of the candidates with the
14duplicate ranking is a continuing candidate.
AB732,23,1615 (c) Ballots that indicate no further rankings after the elector's initial
16preferences have been eliminated shall be declared exhausted.
AB732,23,1717 (d) Ballots that indicate no rankings shall be declared exhausted.
AB732,23,25 18(6) Ties. In the event of a tie that affects the outcome of the election, the tie
19shall be broken by comparing the votes of the tied candidates in the previous rounds
20of counting, starting with the count immediately preceding the round in which the
21tie occurs. If one of the tied candidates had more votes than the remaining tied
22candidates in the preceding round or an earlier round of counting, then that
23candidate shall advance and the others shall be eliminated. If the candidates were
24tied in each preceding round, or if there were no preceding rounds, then the tie shall
25be resolved by lot.
1Section 36. 7.70 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB732,24,82 7.70 (3) (a) The chairperson of the commission or a designee of the chairperson
3appointed by the chairperson to canvass a specific election shall publicly canvass the
4returns and make his or her certifications and determinations on or before the 2nd
5Tuesday following a spring primary,
the 15th day of May following a spring election,
6the 3rd Wednesday following a partisan primary, the first day of December following
7a general election, the 2nd Thursday following a special primary, or within 18 days
8after any special election.
AB732,37 9Section 37. 8.05 (1) (L) of the statutes is created to read:
AB732,24,1110 8.05 (1) (L) A town or village may not use ranked-choice voting under s. 5.20
11to nominate candidates for town or village offices at a caucus.
AB732,38 12Section 38 . 8.05 (3) of the statutes is repealed.
AB732,39 13Section 39 . 8.05 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB732,24,2214 8.05 (4) (a) If a primary is provided for the nomination of candidates for elective
15village offices under s. 8.11 (1m) (b) or (c), candidates for those offices shall file
16nomination papers. In any other case, a
A majority of the governing body of any
17village may provide that candidates for elective village office shall be nominated by
18nomination papers. Determination of the governing body to provide for nomination
19of candidates by nomination papers shall be made not later than December 1
20preceding the election. If nomination by nomination papers is not provided for under
21this paragraph and no primary is provided for under s. 8.11 (1m) (b) or (c), a village
22shall nominate candidates by caucus.
AB732,40 23Section 40 . 8.05 (5) of the statutes is repealed.
AB732,41 24Section 41 . 8.10 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
18.10 (1) Candidates for office to be filled at the spring election shall be
2nominated by nomination papers, or by nomination papers and selection at the
3primary if a primary is held,
except as provided for towns and villages under s. 8.05.
4Unless designated in this section or s. 8.05, the general provisions pertaining to
5nomination at the partisan primary apply.
AB732,42 6Section 42 . 8.11 of the statutes is repealed.
AB732,43 7Section 43 . 8.13 of the statutes is repealed.
AB732,44 8Section 44 . 8.17 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB732,26,29 8.17 (1) (a) Political parties qualifying for a separate ballot under s. 5.62 (1) (b)
10or (2) shall elect their party committeemen and committeewomen committee
as provided under sub. (5) (b). The function of committeemen and
the committee members is to represent their neighborhoods in the
13structure of a political party. Committeemen and committeewomen Committee
shall act as liaison representatives between their parties and the residents
15of the election districts in which they serve. Activities of committeemen and
committee members shall include , but not be limited to,
17identifying voters; assistance assisting in voter registration drives; increasing voter
18participation in political parties; polling and other methods of passing information
19from residents to political parties and elected public officials; and dissemination of
20disseminating information from public officials to residents. For assistance in those
21and other activities of interest to a political party, each committeeman and
committee member may appoint a captain to engage in these
23activities in each ward, if the election district served by the committeeman or
committee member includes more than one ward. In an election
25district which that includes more than one ward, the committeeman or

committee member shall coordinate the activities of the ward
2captains in promoting the interests of his or her party.
AB732,45 3Section 45 . 8.17 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB732,26,64 8.17 (4) The term of office of each committeeman or committeewoman
5committee member shall end on the date of the meeting held under sub. (5) (b)
6following each partisan primary.
AB732,46 7Section 46 . 8.17 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB732,26,248 8.17 (5) (b) A combined meeting of the county committee and members in good
9standing of the party in the county shall be held no sooner than 15 days after the
10partisan primary and no later than April 1 of the following year. At this meeting, the
11party committeemen or committeewomen committee members and the county
12committee offices of chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary, and treasurer shall be
13filled by election by the incumbent committeemen, committeewomen committee
and other party members present and voting, each of whom is entitled to
15one vote. At this meeting, the county committee shall elect the members of the
16congressional district committee as provided in sub. (6) (b), (c) , and (d). The secretary
17of the county committee shall give at least 7 days' written notice of the meeting to
18party and committee members. Individuals elected as county committee officers or
19as congressional district committee members may be, but are not required to be,
20committeemen or committeewomen party committee members. They are required
21to be party members in good standing. The terms of committeemen and
party committee members, county committee officers, and
23congressional district committee members begin during the meeting immediately
24upon completion and verification of the voting for each office.
AB732,47 25Section 47. 8.50 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
18.50 (2) (a) The date for the special election shall be not less than 62 nor more
2than 77 days from the date of the order except when the special election is held to fill
3a vacancy in a national office or the special election is held on the day of the general
4election or spring election. If a special election is held concurrently with the spring
5election, the special election may be ordered not earlier than 92 106 days prior to the
6spring primary election and not later than 49 63 days prior to that primary election.
7If a special election is held concurrently with the general election or a special election
8is held to fill a national office, the special election may be ordered not earlier than
9122 days prior to the partisan primary or special primary, respectively, and not later
10than 92 days prior to that primary.