NR 811.49(1)(i)7.7. Air delivery piping may not pass down through the filter media nor may there be any arrangement in the filter design which would allow short circuiting between the applied unfiltered water and the filtered water except if all of the following criteria are met: NR 811.49(1)(i)7.a.a. The vertical piping is double wall, welded at top and bottom, schedule 40 stainless steel for the internal pipe and schedule 5 stainless steel for the external pipe. NR 811.49(1)(i)7.c.c. An air connection to the double-wall annulus shall be provided including piping with a pressure gauge, regulator, flow switch and ball valve along with an air reservoir and compressor. NR 811.49(1)(i)7.d.d. The flow switch shall alarm and trigger filter shutdown if a pressure drop of over 10 psi is detected. NR 811.49(1)(i)8.8. The backwash delivery system shall be capable of 15 gallons per minute per square foot of filter surface area; however, when air scour is provided, the backwash rate shall be variable and may not exceed 8 gallons per minute per square foot unless operating experience shows that a higher rate is necessary to remove scoured particles from filter surfaces. NR 811.49(1)(i)9.9. The filter underdrains shall be designed to accommodate air scour piping when the piping is installed in the underdrain. NR 811.49(1)(j)(j) Appurtenances. The following shall be provided for every filter: NR 811.49(1)(j)1.1. Sampling faucets on the individual and combined influent and effluent lines. Combined filter effluent sample faucets shall be located upstream of subsequent treatment processes. NR 811.49(1)(j)2.2. Indicating loss-of-head gauge with appropriate cross-connection protection. NR 811.49(1)(j)3.3. Indicating flow rate controls. A modified rate controller which limits the rate of filtration to a maximum rate may be used. However, equipment that simply maintains a constant water level on the filters will not be approved unless the rate of flow onto the filter is properly controlled. A pump in each filter effluent line may be used as the limiting factor for the rate of filtration only with approval from the department. NR 811.49(1)(j)4.4. For surface water and groundwater under the direct influence of surface water, provisions for filtering to waste with appropriate measures for backflow prevention. NR 811.49(1)(j)5.5. For surface water and groundwater under the direct influence of surface water, on-line continuous turbidimeters shall be installed on the effluent from each filter. All turbidimeters shall consistently determine and indicate the turbidity of the water in nephelometric turbidity units (NTUs). Each turbidimeter shall report to a recorder that is designed and operated to allow the operator to accurately determine the turbidity at least every 15 minutes. Turbidimeters on individual filters shall be designed to accurately measure low-range turbidities and trigger an alarm when the effluent level exceeds 0.3 NTU. Access to the filter interior through wall sleeves shall be provided in several locations to allow the installation of sampling lines, pressure sensors and other devices, at different depths in the filter media. NR 811.49(1)(j)6.6. A 1 to 1.5-inch pressure hose and rack at the operating floor for washing the filter walls. NR 811.49(1)(k)(k) Backwash. Backwashing facilities shall be designed to provide: NR 811.49(1)(k)1.1. A minimum rate of 15 gallons per minute per square foot, consistent with water temperatures and specific gravity of the filter media. The department may approve a reduced rate of 10 gallons per minute per square foot for full depth anthracite or granular activated carbon filters, if justification is provided. A reduced rate of backwashing is acceptable when air scouring is provided that meets the requirements of par. (i). NR 811.49 NoteNote: A rate of 20 gallons per minute per square foot or a rate necessary to provide for a 50% expansion of the filter bed is recommended.
NR 811.49(1)(k)2.2. Backwashing by filtered water at the required rate from washwater tanks, a washwater pump from a reservoir or a high service main, or a combination of these. NR 811.49(1)(k)3.3. Washwater pumps in duplicate unless an alternate means of obtaining washwater is available. NR 811.49(1)(k)4.4. Backwashing of not less than 15 minutes wash of one filter at the design rate of wash. NR 811.49(1)(k)5.5. A washwater regulator or valve on the washwater line to obtain the desired rate of filter wash with the washwater valves on the individual filters open wide. NR 811.49(1)(k)6.6. A rate-of-flow indicator and totalizer on the main washwater line, located for convenient reading by the operator during the washing process. NR 811.49(1)(k)7.7. Backwashing by a method which prevents rapid changes in the backwash water flow. NR 811.49(1)(k)8.8. Backwash shall be operator initiated. Backwash systems with automated sequencing shall be operator adjustable. NR 811.49(1)(k)9.9. The backwash discharge shall terminate above a collection basin with a free air break. Backwash discharges may not be directly piped to a wastewater collection unless a breather pipe is installed that provides adequate backflow prevention. NR 811.49(1)(L)(L) Miscellaneous. Roof drains may not discharge into the filters and basins or the conduits preceding the filters. NR 811.49(2)(2) Slow rate gravity filters. The use of slow rate gravity filters is not allowed without prior engineering studies to demonstrate the adequacy and suitability of this method of filtration for the specific raw water supply. The following standards shall be applied: NR 811.49(2)(a)(a) Quality of raw water. Slow rate gravity filtration shall be limited to waters having maximum turbidities of 50 nephelometric turbidity units (NTUs) and maximum color of 30 units; turbidity may not be attributable to colloidal clay. Raw water quality data shall include examinations for algae.