(5) Following the adjournment of the last general-business floorperiod scheduled by the session schedule for the spring of the even-numbered year, no further regular session proposals may be introduced or offered for the balance of the biennial session, except proposals under joint rule
81 (2) (c) or
82 (1m); or required for the conduct of any special session called by the governor, of any extraordinary session called by the legislature, of the veto review session, or of any extended floorperiod.
oint Rule 84.
Committees continue throughout biennial session. Every standing committee and, unless otherwise ordered, every special committee of one or both houses, continues throughout the entire biennial session of the legislature creating the committee. Any such committee may:
Meetings. Meet, on call of the chairperson, in the capitol. As authorized by section
13.123 (3) (a) of the statutes, any committee may, with the prior consent of the committee on senate organization in the case of senate committees or of all of the officers required by assembly rule in the case of assembly committees, meet at such other locations throughout this state as the chairperson announces. Each committee meeting shall be given due public notice. No such committee may schedule an executive session outside the capitol unless the executive session is held in conjunction with a public meeting of the committee.
Public notice. In compliance with the appropriate senate and assembly rules, hold public hearings and executive sessions and conduct any other committee business on the proposals that have been referred to the committee.
Studies, investigations,
and reviews. Conduct, on instruction by the appropriate house or on the motion of the chairperson with majority vote approval by the committee, studies, investigations, and reviews, within the subject matter area customarily within the purview of the respective committee, regarding any matter that may then be appropriate to legislative inquiry. In case of duplication or of overlapping areas of original inquiry the committee on senate organization in the case of senate committees, the speaker in the case of assembly committees, or the joint committee on legislative organization in the case of joint committees, shall define and delimit the subject matter area assigned to each committee and determine the scope of the inquiry conducted by each committee.
Technical assistance. Request the legislative council staff, legislative reference bureau, legislative technology services bureau, and legislative fiscal bureau for the necessary technical assistance appropriate to the completion of the committee's tasks. The joint committee on legislative organization shall coordinate the assignment of staff under this subsection. Any chairperson who determines that the attendance of staff is necessary to the proper conduct of any meeting scheduled at a location other than the capitol may, with the prior authorization of the committee on senate organization in the case of a senate committee chairperson or the speaker in the case of an assembly committee chairperson, authorize the reimbursement of such staff for actual and necessary expenses incurred in attending the meeting, from the general program operations appropriation to the senate or assembly under section
20.765 (1) (a) or
(b) of the statutes.
Joint Rule 85.
Reimbursement for expenses. For any day on which a member of the legislature is in Madison on legislative business pursuant to section
13.123 (1) of the statutes or attends a legislative committee meeting in Madison, the member shall be reimbursed the per diem provided in section
13.123 (1) (a) of the statutes. Any legislator who attends a committee meeting outside Madison authorized under joint rule
84 (1) shall be reimbursed for the actual and necessary expenses incurred in attending the committee meeting as provided by section
13.123 (3) of the statutes, or for the round-trip cost of traveling to the meeting from Madison.
Joint Rule 86.
Continuation of employees during periods of committee work. During any period of committee work, the chief clerks and sergeants at arms of the 2 houses shall retain on their staffs only the employees necessary for the conduct of legislative business during that period before the commencement of the next succeeding legislative session biennium, the chief clerk and the sergeant at arms of each house shall consult with the committee on organization of that house to determine the number of employees required for the commencement of that session. Employees who were laid off following the final (veto review) scheduled floorperiod of the current session shall be given preference in the filling of vacancies in anticipation of the commencement of the next succeeding session.
oint Rule 87.
Duties of the chief clerk after floorperiods and sessions. Following the adjournment of any scheduled floorperiod or any special or extraordinary session, the chief clerk of each house shall:
Message final actions. Message to the other house all proposals originating in the other house and on which the chief clerk's house has taken final action. The chief clerk shall similarly message to the other house all proposals originating in the chief clerk's house and requiring the consent of the other house and on which the chief clerk's house has taken final action. Any motion under joint rule
7 for a joint certificate of commendation, congratulation, or condolence, adopted by one house and already signed by the cosponsor from the other house, shall be treated as though it had been adopted by both houses, but any such motion adopted by one house only and lacking the signature of the cosponsor from the other house shall be treated as though it had been offered as a motion for a certificate by one house only.
Maintain records. Enter on the records of the chief clerk's house all messages received and customarily entered on the records, whether the messages emanate from the other house, the office of the governor, or from any other source.
Journals and bulletins. Compile and publish:
(b) Such journals as are necessary, showing the chief clerk's entries for all business received by the chief clerk's office after the floorperiod or special or extraordinary session.
(c) In cooperation with the legislative reference bureau, the bulletin of proceedings shall be published in accordance with joint rules
76 and
Chapter 10:
Joint Rule 91.
Compensation and classification plan. Unless otherwise specifically provided, all legislative employees shall be paid in accordance with the compensation and classification plan adopted by the joint committee on legislative organization. If the joint committee does not adopt a compensation and classification plan, the committee on organization of either house may adopt a plan for the employees of that house. Appointments shall be for the legislative session, unless earlier terminated by the appointing officer.
Joint Rule 92.
Retirement system agents for legislative employees. The chief clerks of the senate and of the assembly are designated to act in matters pertaining to the retirement system for the members and employees of their respective houses as required by section
40.02 (36) of the statutes. In matters relating to the chief clerks, the president of the senate and the speaker of the assembly shall act.
Chapter 11:
oint Rule 96.
Changing or suspending rules. jr96(1)(1) The joint rules of the legislature may be changed only with the approval of a majority of the current membership of each house. The vote is taken by ayes and noes.