hist121475Senate Bill 50   108   February 28, 2020
hist121476Senate Bill 70   111   February 28, 2020
hist121471Senate Bill 819   104   February 28, 2020
Pursuant to s. 35.095 (1)(b), Wisconsin Statutes, the following 2019 Act(s) have been published:
Act Number   Bill Number   Publication Date
hist121472Wisconsin Act 104   819   February 29, 2020
hist121474Wisconsin Act 106   6   February 29, 2020
hist121594Wisconsin Act 108   50   February 29, 2020
hist121477Wisconsin Act 111   70   February 29, 2020
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
February 28, 2020
The Honorable, the Senate:
hist121430I am vetoing 2019 Senate Bill 613 in its entirety.
The bill specifies that in determining whether a “breach of the peace” occurs in the repossession of property (when undertaken without a judgement), only the action of the creditor and its authorized repossessor is to be considered and that any action by the customer, debtor, lessee or any bystander may not be considered. The bill also limits the liabilities of creditors, authorized repossessors, and independent contractors undertaking repossession of vehicles if they comply with all applicable requirements.
I am vetoing the bill because I object to excluding the conduct, actions or statements by a customer, debtor, lessee or any bystander in determining if a repossession occurs without a breach of the peace. Because some individuals, especially low-income individuals, move more frequently, they may not receive any of the notifications (including notice of a debtor’s potential courses of action) that state law requires prior to a repossession. As a result, the repossession action itself may be an individual’s first knowledge of a pending repossession. Preventing individuals from having their objection receive legal weight denies them important protections, such as the right to a hearing. As a result, the bill could unjustly deprive vulnerable individuals of their vehicles and result in these individuals losing their employment if they cannot find other means of transportation. The risk that the bill creates for individuals who may unjustly have their vehicles repossessed does not outweigh any efficiencies in the repossession process that the bill is intended to create.
Respectfully submitted,
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Senate President
February 28, 2020
The Honorable, the Senate:
Pursuant to Senate Rule 44m (3), the Senate President may direct the chief clerk to present correctly enrolled legislation that originated in the Senate to the Governor. Please deliver the following bills to the Governor’s office immediately.