171. Page 149, line 4: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2021-22 by
2$2,395,000 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2022-23 by $4,573,000 for
3the purpose of expanding services at the aging and disability resource centers.
472. Page 149, line 8: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2021-22 by
5$3,300,000 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2022-23 by $6,600,000 for
6the purpose of expanding eligibility for services provided under the Birth to 3
7program as provided under s. 51.44 (5) (bm).
873. Page 230, line 3: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2021-22 by
9$5,827,600 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2022-23 by $5,827,600 for
10the purpose of paying anticipated overtime costs at care and treatment residential
11facilities owned by the department of health services from an appropriation to the
12department of health services.
1374. Page 230, line 3: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2021-22 by
14$650,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2022-23 by $1,600,000 for
15the purpose of paying for medication-assisted treatment expansion grants,
16methamphetamine addiction treatment grants, and a substance use disorder
17treatment platform from appropriations to the department of health services.
1875. Page 230, line 3: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2022-23 by
19$4,027,400 for the purpose of paying for the FoodShare employment and training
20program from an appropriation to the department of health services.
2176. Page 230, line 5: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2021-22 by
22$3,351,800 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2022-23 by $3,351,800 for
23the purpose of paying anticipated overtime costs at care and treatment residential
1facilities owned by the department of health services from an appropriation to the
2department of health services.
(1) (a)
State operations. The amounts in the schedule for general
6program operations.
7Section 27r. 20.145 (1) (g) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (g)
General program operations. (intro.) The amounts in the
9schedule for general program operations, including organizational support services
10and oversight of care management organizations,
development of a public option
11health insurance plan, and operation of a state-based exchange under s. 601.59, and
12for transferring to the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (4) (kv) the amount
13allocated by the commissioner of insurance. Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), at the
14end of each fiscal year, the unencumbered balance in this appropriation account that
15exceeds 10 percent of that fiscal year's expenditure under this appropriation shall
16lapse to the general fund. All of the following shall be credited to this appropriation
18Section 27t. 20.145 (1) (g) 5. of the statutes is created to read:
(1) (g) 5.
All moneys received under s. 601.59.”.
(1) (cd)
Spinal cord injury research. A sum sufficient not to exceed
23$3,000,000 for grants and symposia under s. 255.45 (2) and (3).
(1) (cr)
Minority health grants. The amounts in the schedule for the
2minority health program under s. 250.20 (3) and (4)
, for the Black women's health
3grants under s. 250.20 (7), and for the infant and maternal mortality grants under
4s. 250.20 (8).”.
(4) (b)
Medical Assistance program benefits. Biennially, the amounts
9in the schedule to provide a portion of the state share of Medical Assistance program
10benefits administered under subch. IV of ch. 49, for a portion of the Badger Care
11health care program under s. 49.665, to provide a portion of the Medical Assistance
12program benefits administered under subch. IV of ch. 49 that are not also provided
13under par. (o),
to provide payments to federally recognized American Indian tribes
14or bands in this state under and for the administration of s. 49.45 (5g), to provide a
15portion of the facility payments under
1999 Wisconsin Act 9, section
9123 (9m), to
16fund services provided by resource centers under s. 46.283, for services under the
17family care benefit under s. 46.284 (5), for the community options program under s.
1846.27, 2017 stats., for assisting victims of diseases, as provided in ss. 49.68, 49.683,
19and 49.685, and for reduction of any operating deficits as specified in
2005 Wisconsin
20Act 15, section
3. Notwithstanding s. 20.002 (1), the department may transfer from
21this appropriation account to the appropriation account under sub. (5) (kc) funds in
22the amount of and for the purposes specified in s. 46.485. Notwithstanding ss. 20.001
23(3) (b) and 20.002 (1), the department may credit or deposit into this appropriation
1account and may transfer between fiscal years funds that it transfers from the
2appropriation account under sub. (5) (kc) for the purposes specified in s. 46.485 (3r).”.
(4) (bh)
Behavioral health technology grants. The amounts in the
6schedule to provide grants to behavioral health providers to implement electronic
7health records systems and connect to health information exchanges.
(4) (bt)
Healthy eating
incentive pilot program incentives
. As a
11continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule to contract with an entity to
12administer the healthy eating incentive program under s. 49.79 (7r)
. No moneys may
13be expended under this paragraph after December 31, 2019, except for moneys
14encumbered on or before that date and to provide electronic benefit transfer and
15credit and debit card processing equipment and services to farmers markets and
16farmers who sell directly to consumers.
(4) (jw)
BadgerCare Plus and hospital assessment. All
moneys received
19from payment of enrollment fees under the program under s. 49.45 (23), all moneys
20transferred under s. 50.38 (9), all moneys transferred from the appropriation account
21under par. (jz), and 10 percent of all moneys received from penalty assessments
22under s. 49.471 (9) (c),
for administration of the program under s. 49.45 (23), to
23provide a portion of the state share of administrative costs for the BadgerCare Plus
1Medical Assistance program under s. 49.471
, and for administration of the hospital
2assessment under s. 50.38.