AB1-SSA1,2 9Section 2 . 36.11 (44) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1-SSA1,12,1310 36.11 (44) Satisfaction of course requirements through certain activities.
11 (a) In this subsection, “eligible activity” of a student means volunteering or working,
12for at least one semester, to assist Wisconsin in responding to the COVID-19
AB1-SSA1,12,1614 (b) The board shall ensure that each institution offers students an opportunity
15to use hours engaged in an eligible activity to satisfy related course requirements to
16the extent appropriate, as determined by the institution.
1Section 3. 38.04 (33) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1-SSA1,13,52 38.04 (33) Satisfaction of course requirements through certain activities.
3 (a) In this subsection, “eligible activity” of a student means volunteering or working,
4for at least one semester, to assist Wisconsin in responding to the COVID-19
AB1-SSA1,13,86 (b) The board shall ensure that each district board offers students an
7opportunity to use hours engaged in an eligible activity to satisfy related course
8requirements to the extent appropriate, as determined by the district board.
AB1-SSA1,4 9Section 4 . 40.26 (5m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-SSA1,13,1610 40.26 (5m) During the public health Until the conclusion of a national
11emergency declared on March 12, 2020, by executive order 72 the U.S. president
12under 50 USC 1621 in response to the 2019 novel coronavirus or June 30, 2021,
13whichever is earlier
, sub. (5) does not apply if at least 15 days have elapsed between
14the termination of employment with a participating employer and becoming a
15participating employee if the position for which the participant is hired is a critical
16position, as determined by the secretary of health services under s. 323.19 (3).
AB1-SSA1,5 17Section 5 . 40.26 (6) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-SSA1,13,2318 40.26 (6) (intro.) A Until the conclusion of a national emergency declared by
19the U.S. president under 50 USC 1621 in response to the 2019 novel coronavirus or
20June 30, 2021, whichever is earlier, a
participant who is hired during the public
21health emergency declared on March 12, 2020, by executive order 72,
may elect to
22not suspend his or her retirement annuity or disability annuity under sub. (1m) for
23the duration of the state of emergency if all of the following conditions are met:
AB1-SSA1,6 24Section 6 . 49.45 (39n) of the statutes is created to read:
149.45 (39n) Pharmacy reimbursement for vaccines and COVID-19 tests. The
2department shall ensure that any vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and
3any test for COVID-19, which is the infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2
4coronavirus, that are covered under this subchapter and for which reimbursement
5for administration is made to any provider, are covered and reimbursed when the
6vaccine or test is administered by a pharmacy. As necessary to comply with this
7subsection, the department shall certify pharmacies as providers of Medical
8Assistance services for the purposes of covering and reimbursing pharmacies for
9administering vaccines and tests described in this subsection.
AB1-SSA1,7 10Section 7 . 50.083 of the statutes is created to read:
AB1-SSA1,14,12 1150.083 Visitation by essential visitor. (1) In this section, “essential visitor”
12means any of the following:
AB1-SSA1,14,1613 (a) An individual to visit and provide support to a resident in a nursing home
14or assisted living facility who is designated by the nursing home resident or assisted
15living facility resident or by the resident's guardian or health care agent under a
16power of attorney.
AB1-SSA1,14,1917 (b) The guardian of a nursing home or assisted living facility resident or the
18health care agent under a power of attorney for health care for a nursing home or
19assisted living facility resident.
AB1-SSA1,14,24 20(2) Subject to sub. (2m), each nursing home and assisted living facility shall
21allow at least one essential visitor, who agrees to comply with any public health
22policies of the nursing home or assisted living facility, to enter the nursing home or
23assisted living facility to visit the resident in compassionate care situations,
24including any of the following:
1(a) The resident has recently been admitted to the nursing home or assisted
2living facility and is experiencing difficulty in adjusting to the change in
3environment and lack of family presence.
AB1-SSA1,15,44 (b) The resident is grieving the recent death of a friend or family member.
AB1-SSA1,15,65 (c) The resident is experiencing weight loss or dehydration due to lack of
6support from family or caregivers when eating or drinking.
AB1-SSA1,15,87 (d) The resident is experiencing emotional distress or a decline in ability or
8willingness to communicate.
AB1-SSA1,15,11 9(2m) A nursing home or assisted living facility may refuse to allow access for
10visitation to any essential visitor who refuses to comply with public health policies
11of the nursing home or assisted living facility.
AB1-SSA1,15,15 12(3) If the federal centers for medicare and medicaid services issues guidance
13that is more restrictive in allowing visitation than sub. (2), a nursing home or
14assisted living facility may comply with that guidance instead of complying with sub.
AB1-SSA1,15,19 16(4) This section applies at any time a nursing home or assisted living facility
17limits visitors to the nursing home or assisted living facility due to an outbreak or
18epidemic of communicable disease in the community in which the nursing home or
19assisted living facility is located.
AB1-SSA1,8 20Section 8 . 108.04 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-SSA1,15,2521 108.04 (3) (b) Paragraph (a) does not apply with respect to benefit years that
22begin after March 12, 2020, and before February 7 March 14, 2021. The department
23shall seek the maximum amount of federal reimbursement for benefits that are,
24during the time period specified in this paragraph, payable for the first week of a
25claimant's benefit year as a result of the application of this paragraph.
1Section 9. 108.062 (20) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-SSA1,16,102 108.062 (20) Suspensions of certain provisions. (intro.) Notwithstanding sub.
3(2), this subsection, and not sub. (2), applies to work-share plans submitted on or
4after April 17, 2020, and before December 31, 2020 the conclusion of a national
5emergency declared by the U.S. president under 50 USC 1621 in response to the 2019
6novel coronavirus or July 4, 2021, whichever is earlier
, subject to sub. (19). During
7that period, prior to implementing a work-share program, an employer shall submit
8a work-share plan for the approval of the department. In its submittal, the employer
9shall certify that its plan is in compliance with all requirements under this section.
10Each plan shall:
AB1-SSA1,10 11Section 10 . 108.07 (5) (bm) 1. of the statutes is amended to read: