71. 16.848 (4) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) (b) (intro.) For the purpose of paying principal and interest costs on
20other outstanding public debt under par.
(ag), the secretary may cause
21outstanding bonds to be called for redemption on or following their optional
22redemption date, establish one or more escrow accounts to redeem bonds at their
23optional redemption date, or purchase bonds in the open market.
For the purpose of
24using an amount deposited under par. (ag) as a substitute source of funding under
25s. 20.924 (1) (em), the department shall determine which projects to fund and shall
1authorize expenditures for those projects. To the extent practical, the secretary shall
2consider all of the following in determining which public debt to redeem
, whether to
3use any net proceeds as a substitute source of funding under s. 20.924 (1) (em), and
4which projects to fund:
72. 16.848 (4) (b) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) (b) 4. The fiscal benefit of redeeming outstanding debt with higher
7interest costs
and the costs of establishing an escrow needed to redeem the
8outstanding debt.
73. 16.848 (4) (b) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) (b) 5. The costs of maintaining federal tax law compliance in the
11selection of general obligation debt to be redeemed
or the project to be financed under
12s. 20.924 (1) (em).
74. 16.848 (4) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) (c) If there are any outstanding revenue obligations, issued pursuant
15to subch. II of ch. 18, used to finance the acquisition, construction, or improvement
16of any property that is sold or leased under sub. (1),
the department shall adhere to
17any restrictions in the authorizing resolution of the revenue obligations governing
18the use of the proceeds. To the extent the authorizing resolution does not restrict
19such use, the department shall deposit a sufficient amount of the net proceeds from
20the sale or lease of the property in the respective redemption fund provided under
21s. 18.561 (5) or 18.562 (3) to repay the principal and pay the interest on the revenue
22obligations, and any premium due upon
redeeming any of the revenue
, or shall deposit an amount in the appropriate fund under s. 18.57 or
24apply the amount for a purpose for which similar revenue obligations may be issued
25under s. 18.53 (3) or (4). If there are any outstanding revenue obligations, issued
1pursuant to subch. II of ch. 18, used to finance the acquisition, construction, or
2improvement of any property that is sold or leased under sub. (1), the department
3shall then provide a sufficient amount of the net proceeds from the sale or lease of
4the property for the costs of maintaining federal tax law compliance applicable to the
5revenue obligations. For the purpose of paying principal and interest costs on
other 6outstanding revenue obligations, the secretary may cause outstanding revenue
7obligations to be called for redemption on or following their optional redemption
8date, establish one or more escrow accounts to redeem obligations at their optional
9redemption date, or purchase bonds on the open market. Except as required under
10ss. 13.48 (14) (e), 20.395 (9) (qd), and 51.06 (6), if the net proceeds exceed the amount
11required to be deposited, paid, or used for another purpose under this paragraph, the
12department shall use the net proceeds or remaining net proceeds to pay principal and
13interest costs on other similar revenue obligations
or for a purpose for which similar
14revenue obligations may be issued under s. 18.53 (3) or (4).
75. 16.848 (4) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
(4) (d) If under par. (c) the department deposits net proceeds into an
17appropriate fund provided in s. 18.57 or applies net proceeds for a purpose for which
18revenue obligations may be issued, the amount of revenue obligations authorized
19under s. 18.54 (2) shall be reduced by the amount deposited or applied.
76. 16.855 (1p) of the statutes is repealed.
77. 16.954 of the statutes is created to read:
2216.954 Office of sustainability and clean energy. (1) Definitions. In this
(a) “Office” means the office of sustainability and clean energy.
(b) “Public utility” has the meaning given in s. 196.01 (5).
1(2) Initiatives. The office shall work on initiatives that have the following
(a) Promoting the development and use of clean and renewable energy across
4this state.
(b) Advancing innovative sustainability solutions in ways that improve this
6state's economy and environment, including energy initiatives that reduce carbon
7emissions, accelerate economic growth, and lower customer energy costs.
(c) Diversifying the resources used to reliably meet the energy needs of
9consumers in this state and generate family-supporting jobs through the expansion
10of this state's clean energy economy.
11(3) Other duties. The office shall do all of the following:
(b) Provide advice and support to state agencies in developing or retrofitting
13sustainable infrastructure to reduce energy use and lessen negative impacts on this
14state's air and water quality.
(c) Study and report on the status of existing clean and renewable energy
16efforts by the state, including economic development initiatives, and develop future
17energy policy opportunities for consideration by the governor and state agencies.
(d) Serve as a single point of contact to assist businesses, local units of
19government, and nongovernmental organizations that are pursuing clean energy
(e) Identify and share information about clean energy funding opportunities
22for private, and state and local governmental entities.
(f) Perform duties necessary to maintain federal energy funding and any
24designations required for such funding.
1(i) Take other steps necessary to facilitate the implementation of the initiatives
2and goals specified in sub. (2) and to identify and address barriers to the
3implementation of those initiatives.
4(4) Clean energy grants. The office shall establish a program for making
5grants from the appropriation under s. 20.505 (4) (q) to fund research in support of
6clean energy production.
7(5) Technical assistance. (a) The office may provide technical assistance to
8units of government other than the state to assist in the planning and
9implementation of energy efficiency and renewable resources and may charge for
10those services. The office may request technical and staff assistance from other state
11agencies in providing technical assistance to those units of government.
(b) The office may require a public utility to provide energy billing and use data
13regarding public schools, if the office determines that the data is necessary to provide
14technical assistance under par. (a) in public schools, including those with the highest
15energy costs.